Hay hut okay?

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Well-known member
Jul 17, 2010
At the momment my chin has a wodden hut to sleep in in his cage, I saw a video on youtube of a chin with a cute little hay hut for chins, I'm thinking of getting one like it but would it be okay? or is there no point because it will get totally destroyed? hah

:hair: hmmmmmm.
If it's simply made of hay, then I would think it would be all right. Granted, I do think sooner or later it'd get eaten or torn apart... but that seems like that's how everything is with chins sometimes, haha.a
Those are fine, but probably wouldn't last long. I was given some for my chins and they just peed on them and had half of them destroyed overnight. I would keep the wood house in the cage for him as well.
Your chin will OMNOMNOM that in no time... They'll like it, I'm sure, but personally I don't think it's worth the money.
I bought one bungalow and gave it to Beezy one night, by morning it was reduced to a pile of hay. 15.00 is expensive for one night play toy!
it should be ok for your chin but it will fall apart fast and unravel. was he keeping the chinchilla in an equarium in the video? am i the only one that noticed that?