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Chinnie Maid
May 19, 2009
Tornado Alley aka KS
So, now that Grey's, Private Practive, and House are on break...I find myself looking for a new medical drama to get addicted to.
Anyone watch hawthoRNe on TNT w/ Jada Pinkett Smith? I missed the first episode, but DVR'd the next one and watched it last night. Thought it was ok.
I like Hathorne's character, but not sure if the storylines will be enough to get me hooked or not.
I'll give it a few more tries.
darn......i wanted to watch this 'cause i love michael vartan (from Alias). maybe they have the shows online? so i can catch up.
I watched the first one and didn't think it was horrible, although JPS is looking a bit haggard, isn't she? Wow.

I have the second one recorded. I'll have to watch it tonight and see if it holds my interest.
Being my wife is a surgical nurse, we watch it! Seems O.K. to me!
For these who recorded it, make sure you watch the end, where her daughter plays the video she took of some hospital "behind the scenes" shots!! Answers a big question!!