Have to Be breeder to show?

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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2012

Now I don't have a chin yet and don't plan on having one for a few years. I am interested in chin shows, but everything I have read in the FAQs talks about breeding points, and breeding best chins for the show. I don't want to be a breeder, is being a breeder a must for showing chins?
Nope, you definitely do not have to be a breeder. Many people from this forum and others have shown their pet chins just for the fun of the whole experience. You meet lots of great people at shows and people really get a kick out of it if their pet should do well in a show.
Nope, you definitely do not have to be a breeder. Many people from this forum and others have shown their pet chins just for the fun of the whole experience. You meet lots of great people at shows and people really get a kick out of it if their pet should do well in a show.

Thank you for answering. It sounds like a lot of fun and something I would enjoy. :)
No. I didn't breed mine, but I'm hoping to show one in a couple weeks. (as I'd LIKE to breed him in the future).. You just can't claim you bred it. and make sure you get ear tags from the actual breeder. (Depending on the show)...
and make sure you get ear tags from the actual breeder. (Depending on the show)...
You don't need to do get an ear tag from the breeder, many don't have them. You can get a blank tag from someone or ask around at the show for spare blanks if it is required. Some shows do not require tagging, if you are interested in a specific show you can ask.

If you really don't want to put a tag in your chin's ear often they will let you get away with a sharpie if it is your only chin/pet. :)) Just have to ask before you show.
Ah, see learn something new every day. I was lead to believe it had to be the actual breeder's tag, that way someone else couldn't claim to of bred it. :)