Going from Breeding to Pets... help me spoil my chins!

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Just a lil' sinful...
Dec 31, 2010
I essentially completely cut out my breeding lines, and now my guys are going to be pets! I have a Trio of boys: Connor (albino/HBPW((a couple of old-time ranchers think he very well could be true albino)), Jareth (mosaic), and Royal (Sapphire). I think have another trio: Damien (black velvet), Vengeance (Mosaic), and Mei Mei (extra dark ebony). I have two Marshall Mansions that are totally gutted, that I am planning on working over for them. They are currently in breeding cages. And yes, Mei Mei is a GIRL, going in with two boys. Damien has proven sterile, and I am well aware of babies most likely happening between Vengeance and Mei. Vengeance is a slow breeder, but he gets the job done eventually. We have been testing the three of them out together, so far they get along ok, but are still under strict watch to make sure the boys dont fight over her... if that happens, we'll have -3- cages instead of just two.

What I want to know is... what should I get to spoil them with?? I'm putting in wooden shelves, but I started out pretty much with breeding, so I've never had to outfit a large cage before. This is all new for me, but these were my favorites of the herd, and I just couldnt part with them!
I would love to get ferret nations instead, but its kind of a waste when I already own 4 Marshall Mansions, that are already gutted out and empty, and just waiting for fun toys! One went to my bird, the other three are sitting empty at the moment. Now that the last few breeders have been sold, its time to start refurbing for the pets!
Unless you are with them 24/7, you absolutely cannot keep 2 males with a female. Whether they get along fine right now or not, when she goes into heat, you cannot stop them from fighting over her. Just because he's sterile doesn't mean he won't have the urge to breed.

Separate them now and save yourself the heartache of a dead chin.

And BTW, the only way to prove he's sterile is if he's castrated. I have had several "sterile" chins produce kits years down the road.
I wish he would, he was born 05 and hasnt produced yet, no matter how many girls I ran to him. I will see if Ven would be ok with the trio, Damien for sure hates all males but Ven. He's great with the ladies, but he hates the boys. They are currently still in their breeding cages, so seperating isnt an issue, just move to a new cage. I will say that she is NOT with them in the same cage right now... this cage has a wire divider between the cages, she is in the one next door to them. They can see her, but not touch her, and they've been that way for nearly a year. I was planning on seeing if I could pull them off as a trio, but Ven and Damien are my top two animals from my herd -ever-... I dont want them fighting after it took so long to get them together.
Chewing blocks are a must of course. :) Treats... I am wary of treats. I give them a shredded wheat once in a blue moon... and they love it, but anything else...

Thanks for all the suggestions! I may just need to sell my car to pay for everything!:rofl:
The two most popular bits of furnishing here are the fleece tubes and any wood perch I bolt into it (apple especially). I also have a Flying Saucer in with my nervous fur chewer so he doesn't get bored and go for his fur. Other safe wheels are the Chin Spin (watch the powder coating) and the Silver Surfer/Grape Escape.