Giardia I think... Very scared

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Mar 16, 2010
Upstate New York
So my three chins have all been doing great up until a few days ago when i noticed my one standard was sleeping more than usual but i figured eh hes tired so **** sleep not a big deal. Well today everyone was out playing and i noticed that he dropped a wet slimy poop that was about half the size of a normal one... Ive been checking his poops since he started sleeping more during the day and theyve been fine maybe a little bit small but they looked almost identical to any other poop as in it was a little black pellet... Well he is now eating his poop???? I dont get it... I know that the poops hes having is a sign of giardia so im now freaking out... What can i do for him for the night?
Im gonna start calling the vets tomorrow but if anyone knows of a good one near liberty ny 12754 that would be immensely helpful... Im freaking out i love my little babies i just need any kind of help to keep him ok till he gets to the vet...
Also he still does like everyone he normal would just not as often... Hes eating and drinking normally he get up runs around goes on the wheel plays with the toys... He just does it than goes and lays down in the bed for a bit than comes back out and does it again....
Please tell me this isnt all as bad as i think...
I need a vets number if anyone knows one because i only know of like 3 vets up here and idk if any do chinnys
Sorry for the double post but im making myself sick worrying... Im posting again to put this back onto the new posts list... Im thinking and thinking and giardia isnt the worst thing ever right? Like there all going to a vet tomorrow (I found out both my local vets do exotics and rodents). I just really need some feedback...
Eating poop is normal and Edgar will usually prefers a fresh one. So that alone is not a sign of giardia but I think it's a good idea to go to the vet if you are worried. I am sure a they can test for it so it would put your mind at ease.
Thanks... I was most worried about the poops and of course tonight i read a post saying when they get lethargic there gonna die... These guys are my babies i love them so much and im freaking out in the same way i imagine i would if my actual baby were sick... I actually lucked out my local vet is doing a $1 first exam promotion thing so ill be there early tomorrow. I think its giardia because he had tiny (half the size of normal) wet mucusy looking poop...
I think that going to the vet is the best thing you can do as those poops do sound different.

I have noticed though that Edgar will race around and then sit, stare into space for a while before he's off again. I'd imagine that one chin may be more active than another especially if you consider age. Also lethargic to me is no playing or very little so if there is a problem you will be catching it early. Be prepared for charges as there will be tests for giardia but you will save a lot by not having an office visit fee.
Yea im prepared for charges out the butt but im just thankful the visit fee will be a little less since im probably gonna be spending a few hundred atleast there (Its been that way with dogs atleast)

Edit: Im gonna call the vet at 9:30 and hopefully ill bring my guys in shortly after
My appointment is for 11:20 hopefully this place is good its a local vet but its where my father used to take all his animals from dogs to snakes... And they said they are good with chinnys.. Wish me luck
Good luck! I had to deal with a run with giardia last year through my chins. Remember that if it is indeed Giardia, it will probably take a few treatments to get it to go away! It took 4 weeks of 2 different meds to wipe it out for me. At first I did Flagyl, but that didn't do it and the Panacur ended up wiping it out. You'll also have to clean everything!

Hope it goes well! Fingers crossed for ya!
Ok so giardia didnt show up but there was something... Were not sure what it was so they told me to put "good bacteria" its called like probia or something in his food. Hes getting only hay until tomorrow and and hes getting a syringe of the bacteria stuff tonight and once daily in his food for a week.... I was also told to put pedialite in his water... (not sure how right this stuff is it all sounds iffy to me) What are the thoughts on this? He doesnt have giardia that we know of but we sent some poop out to get tested for everything more thoroughly. The chins have also been seperate and the cages cleaned... Is the bacteria stuff safe to give him? And is pedialite ok? (he said do 50/50 with pedalite and water in his bottle)
Ok so giardia didnt show up but there was something... Were not sure what it was so they told me to put "good bacteria" its called like probia or something in his food. Hes getting only hay until tomorrow and and hes getting a syringe of the bacteria stuff tonight and once daily in his food for a week.... I was also told to put pedialite in his water... (not sure how right this stuff is it all sounds iffy to me) What are the thoughts on this? He doesnt have giardia that we know of but we sent some poop out to get tested for everything more thoroughly. The chins have also been seperate and the cages cleaned... Is the bacteria stuff safe to give him? And is pedialite ok? (he said do 50/50 with pedalite and water in his bottle)

It is probiotics, and it helps recolonize his intestines with good bacteria. I don't know about the pedialyte.
Ok i gave him that today.. The pedialite im gonna start tonight and hes on no food or hay until tomorrow morning and ill give him only hay tomorrow than he gets food on wednesday with the probiotics mixed in... He seems happier already since i gave him his medicine like an hour ago. Also today i found out he is under weight... He is only 580g and hes pretty decently sized
i dunno if you already got the pro-biotics, but you can buy it at most drug stores or target. i have the capsule form of Acidophilus. i just open the capsule and sprinkle some on his food.

anyone chime in on this part: i usually sprinkly a third of the capsule over his food once a week just to keep the good bacteria in his tummy. i assume this is safe, but anyone correct me if im wrong.
Yea he gave me a normal sized pill container filled with the stuff for free so i assume thats all ill need since it doesnt seem to be giardia and its just some random bacteria giving him an upset tummy and alot of stress and soft poos
Do not give pedialyte to the chin. Just give the probiotics or a better choice would be to give lifeline sprinkled on the food or in a separate "treat" dish. You can order lifeline off of it contains probiotics and other things to help your chinchilla's digestive system. Pedialyte is not acceptable.
Ok sweet im glad i didnt give the pedialyte yet.
Well im gonna keep doing what the vet said as far as everything but the pedialyte because his poops are getting bigger and slightly more frequent... He said his stomach feels normal like it just seems like his tummy is a little out of wack i guess
Ill keep posting probably a few times a day as things change for the better or worse... Im hoping that my other two guys stay just fine
Ok well his water has gone down abit since lastnight... Hes drinking for sure... Not very much but he is drinking... I gave him the probiotics abit ago than put his hay back in... Hes eating it like crazy which i think was the point in not giving it to him yesterday... Hopefully ill see some better looking poops today.