Getting that Special Friend

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Well-known member
Jun 24, 2010
I have a lone chin, and have gone through all sorts with him. Now that i've had him about 4 months I think he's getting a bit bored with it all, especially as he cannot be bothered/fussed to learn to do stuff and be trained or learn to use the wheel.

In petsmart today and i see 2 chins cuddled up together and i thought what a shame it was he doesnt have someone to cuddle. My rats have it made, they sleep together, groom, play, fight and all sorts together and then when i see them they get excited...starrkey the chin just has me, who isn't always there.

Thing is though I've never thought he'd do well with another chin. I just hve this feeling. He has a very strong personality, and with any other chin would be very dominant due to his humpy nature, and aggressive grooming (his nibbles are quite hardy sometimes!)

can you tell if your chin is meant to be a lone wolf?
No matter the personality of the chin, there is no guarantee that any chin will get along with another chin, even mellow ones. Always be prepared to have one cage per chin, if that does not work for you stick with one chin. Even if they do get along initially and even for years they can at any time turn on each other and kill.
I just got a second chinchilla and have to admit I am so afraid of introducing them. Our first is young and very active and our second is laid back but a bit of a humper. However they have been in cages where they can see each other and seem to like the company even in different cages. So I am prepared to do the work and spend the money to get a really nice set up if they don't ever live in the same cage.
Its looking like i'm going to neuter him and get a girlfriend. Its a tough decision, but i think he's way too lonely at present
Please don't let me discourage you from getting another male. We are really happy with our decision to and I think there is hope for my boys. To be honest I am going to a show this weekend and am going to ask some experts. We've just started the process by letting them see each other and get used to the other's smell. So far there is no sign they can't be introduced.
As Jazicat said please don't be discouraged from getting a male cage mate for your chin. Thru the years (16) I have paired many a male pairs. Most have worked out (only 2 did not - and one was brothers who had always been together). Yes, sometimes it doesn't work out - the changes are high that it will especiall if you introduce a youngster to him. However of course, you have to be prepared if it doesn't. Neutering a male is more of a danger that trying to bonded a male pair. Yes, it often goes without a hitch but why waste your money, put the chin thru that pain and risk losing the chin because something went wrong. And even if you did neuter him and then introduced him to a female there is NO guarantee that will work out. They could hate each other - there is a danger introducing ANY 2 chins to each other - the same danger (small as it is) of introducing 2 males
I got a pair of craigslist that I separated instead of getting the male fixed. After researching and talking to my vet it just seemed it would be the best to separate them and find same sex cage mates for each. There is risk in getting boys neutered.
Male Male, Female Female, Male Female, any combination of chins can turn on each other at any time, just be prepared. Every chin you get needs its own cage set up, if you can't have 2 cages you can't have 2 chins, chins will do what they are going to do.
I have had more males killed by females than males by males or females by females. DOn't get me wrong some pairings have lasted their lifetimes even the same sex ones. If a chinchilla is going to turn on one another they are going to gender isn't necessarily the factor that changes things
so would you say everyone here does male-male? Those I bought my chin off were clearly 'accidental breeders' and the one i am visiting on thursday is an ''i intended to get my boy fixed'' and out popped a baby furball. So its clear they havent encountered neutering.

I just know he needs a friend, he makes the pining noise a lot, I'm just trying to do what's best for him
I would strongly recommend not getting your chin neutered if you don't absolutely have to. I have been working as a veterinary technician for many years, and in my experience chins do not do really well under anesthesia. Also most vets don't have a lot of chin neuters under their belts. It is a risk i wouldn't take lightly.