Gah! Chinchilla nightmares!

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Diva Chins

So, I've learned not to leave the TV on as I fall asleep as of last night.
I had a nightmare that the girls each had FOURTEEN kits! (No way they're pregnant, trust me) and I was flipping out, mixing formula to hand feed, and there was critters EVERY WHERE! I'm not a huge fan of reptiles but in my dream for some reason, I had like, 12 bearded dragons running around and someone kept trying to steal the chin babies =( I was getting agitated because they didn't know how to hand feed and there were too many for the girls to feed naturally and they kept trying to steal them so I got mad and shoved them out and locked the door. Then they got mad and brought back friends who demanded that I just GIVE them the girls and the babies. I was getting preeetty mad since I was trying to hand feed 28 babies at once. By the time I got them all hand fed, it was time to feed again. I was flipping out.
Then, I startled myself awake and realized WHY I had that dream...Dateline NBC was playing the interview with the crazy Octuplet mom and kept talking about how she had -14- kids. I heard them say it again, groaned, turned off the TV and huffed, pouted, etc.
I hate having nightmares about my babies =( It scares the crap out of me and I have trouble getting back to seep and end up checking on the chins which bugs them, etc.
Anyone else have any chin nightmares lately?
No chin dreams but it's true if you leave the TV on while you sleep it can influence your dreams. We have the Soap channel which plays the Young and the Restless at 3am I fell asleep during that and dreamed I was hanging with the cast in their real life. And I really couldn't care less about them.
No chin dreams but it's true if you leave the TV on while you sleep it can influence your dreams. We have the Soap channel which plays the Young and the Restless at 3am I fell asleep during that and dreamed I was hanging with the cast in their real life. And I really couldn't care less about them.

Ooo, that's an interesting one. I guess I should avoid the horror story while attempting to sleep then =P Freddy might come for my slow running rump.
I leave the TV on while I sleep, but I have a timer- I had a dream I was on MTV's Next Bus and I got Nexted, crushing my confidence- I wake up and Next is on!
No bad dreams here....are you sure the person trying to steal your kits wasn't someone from the forum? ;)
I've had so many bad chin dreams... there's always a litter of 7 from one female and 5 from the other at the same time and I can't reach any of the CT breeders for help... I'm glad I'm not the only one.
I've had so many bad chin dreams... there's always a litter of 7 from one female and 5 from the other at the same time and I can't reach any of the CT breeders for help... I'm glad I'm not the only one.

I think when owning chinchillas, it comes with the territory =P I think most of us just love our babies so much we worry and it does monstrous things to our dreams. I wake up in a panic every time. I'd die if something happened to one of my kids =[
aha...ive had a dream about my chins recently..

I walked into my chin room and they were sitting in the same cage, which was odd because they absolutely hate each other...I watched them for a minute to make sure they werent fighting or anything ...I thought it was really great they were together, because that was the origininal plan when I brought a second chin home. I left the room to hang pictures on my living room wall? Came back in the room and realized I now had three chins in the same cage...I quickly scooped the strange chin out and put it in another cage. I turned around and there were even more chins!!!! So I was putting chins in cages and these cages were appearing just as mysteriously as the chins were.... They werent kits, but full grown chins, of all different colors. They just wouldnt stop coming..and they started fighting with my original two chins...the cage was seriously like half deep of chins crawling over chins... I couldnt get them out fast enough..
....and then I woke up. aha. Evil chin dreams.
Oh hell yes. I sleep right next to their cage, since I don't trust it anywhere but in my room. I have dreams about them jumping out of the cage and running away,, sometimes my other animals find them and think they are stuffed animals or something. So you can imagine what happens.