Freckled Ears..

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Well-known member
Mar 10, 2012
I have a beige chin that is 5months old and I was just wondering at what age do they get freckles on their ears if they they are gonna have any?
My hetero beiges were about a year old when I got them, and they had some freckles. Now at about 4 years, one's ears are nearly black with freckles, and the other has very few in comparison. Each chin is different.
Every chin is different. I have had kits born with them and had some beiges that never get freckles. Just like people they varry.
Brown velvets are also called beige TOVs? I have one at 7yrs old and one at 1yrs old, my 1yr old has no freckles, and my 7 yr old even has a freckle on his nose.