Freaky Eaters?

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Dire Chinchilla Keeper
Mar 10, 2011
What is the strangest thing your chinchilla has chewed on or eaten?

For me, the weirdest thing chewed on is my Vacuum Cleaner. They hate the vacuum cleaner because it is noisy and magically removes their precious poops from the carpet. Were they attracted to the nummy plastic or just out for revenge? Anyway, the vacuum cleaner has been banish'ed from the chin area (except when its doing its job and the chins are locked away.)

Weirdest eaten: a small slab of stoneware clay. I'm a potter and a small shard from a slab of clay I had used to make a butter dish fell on the floor unnoticed except by the chins when they were out to play. Barnaby loved loved loved it and ran away when I realized what he was eating. I was able to take it away from him but he was Most Unhappy. The clay doesn't have any toxins and Barnaby was just fine. However, no more clay for him!

So, there you go.

For my chinnies both of them have been fasinated with the raidiator.

I have to pull the sofa away from it so they cant climb inbetween and i have to watch they dont go on it, for some reason they like to chew it and the sound of their teeth on it is like nails on a chalk board for me !!!

They also seem to like the taste of the window blinds and brush brissles, i have to sit on the floor with them to make sure they dont eat the blinds and ive also seen them try to drag the blinds to go by the raidiator and have a sneeky chew.

Ooooo and i have also caught them eating the foam out of my neices high chair that got snagged and ripped, luckily nothing serious happened and they were fine but i was constantly on watch for about a week. The high chair got moved out of the room :D
heh Clearly they have good (and expensive) taste Dawn.

I would say, so far mine love to attempt to chew on the temper pedic bed. Needless to say, my one kitty (Princess) is very unhappy about that as she feels it is her bed. She isn't in the same room when they are doing it, but somehow she knows...
Years ago when we had a bird the cage was always open and Joey the chin LOVED to get in and snatch a fistful of bird seed before we'd get him. Come to think of it it was also Joey who found a wrapped Hershey's Kiss. I never knew I could run and catch him so fast. He had gotten a tiny scrape of chocolate and he liked it.
I was just putting some new shelves in one of my foster's cage. I turned around just in time to see him running away with a hanger bolt. He was not happy when I took it away from him. Little thief!
Rhino hates the vacuum cleaner when it's on, but LOVES to try chewing on it once it's off!

he also went after the rubber end of the door stopper in his room, so i had to take the stopper off it's bracket on the wall and hope to heck i never open the door really hard and make a door handle size hole in the wall, lol.

he also likes to steal the little pink dust broom that i use for sweeping his shelves. he'll grab that thing and go bounding across the room. and it's bigger than he is!

and clothes hangers, omg, i think they've all got teeth marks in them by now. when i'm putting away laundry i'll let him out for play time and he'll 'help' mommy with the hangers, lol.
Tinkerbell has removed a small section of our carpet when her pen strayed off her floor protector...she also took a cord from a fan and exposed the wired in several locations. She also removed the paint from a very small area of wall next to her pen, and my wall molding will never be the li'l critter has done a lot of damage! lol
Mr. Whiskers chewed the wallpaper above the couch in the living room -- and fairly high up -- before I knew that he shouldn't have the run of the house!!!
Took me a bit to figure out why Chubs and Tinker liked to jump on my hair, they want the scrunchy. Oh they love biting my nails grrrr! Sparkle found where I hide my Driver's license, yep had to get a new one due to the corner she bit off. She can't find my new one now hehehe.
I personally think the weirdest thing they can chew on is nothing. Kodah rarely chews anything, unless it's wood or food.
I keep all the goodies in a tupperware container. Every evening I give my chinnies something out of there. It has loofa, pumice, rose buds, gojo berries and some other stuff. Inca has gotten bad about pulling the container out of my hand and trying to chew it when he sees it! Charlie waits patiently...Inca wants to pick his own treat!
Flynn seems to be fascinated with the leather iphone case I have, always trying to nibble it.
Once Zidane made his grand escape when I was replenishing his food and gave himself a tour of the living room, bathroom, and kitchen he decided that the wall might be fun to try chewing on. He also tried chewing on the side of the couch and the thank you card I got from Annie with Handbag's picture on it for purchasing a chin buddy. Apparently he thought since it had a chin on it that meant it was for him.

Miraculously he did not try eating the baseboards. I guess my blue painted walls looked more appetizing.
my baby pepper was sitting on my lap and chewed my leather/yand bracles... it is moe not wearable!
Ooh I thought of one- my hair! I have extensions and Ferdinand will do anything possible to grab one. One time he did get a good hold of one and tried hopping back into his cage, tugging as hard as he could lol.