Fleece liners?

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I was going to get a new chinchilla cage soon and was planning to get the FIESTY FERRET CAGE. I know it has wire floor on top and bottom floors so I was going to have fleece liners put in there... What are the benefits to these and does anyone use them? Do your chins just pee anywhere? Also does anyone own this cage? If so do you like it?
I do not own the Feisty Ferret page, I have the FN; but I do use fleece liners and I love them. My chins don't usually pee everywere, I have a pyrex dish in their cage with pine bedding that they pee in, however, they aren't perfect so every once in a while they pee on the fleece which causes quite a stink. I was my liners about once a week by soaking them in vinegar for a while and throwing them in the washing machine (with more vinegar) because that gets the stink out. I think they are much easier to clean than bedding and a lot less expensive. Good luck!
i actually have the fiesty ferret cage. i got it when i only had one chin and he loved it. i did not use the fleece liners on the bottom of the cage because he pees where he wants, so i put the shavings in the slide out bottom tray and used some chin chillers to cover portions of the bottom, where he would stand and eat. but i did use fleece on the top level of wire and it was fine. he also did pee there too though!
now i have a custom built cage and my new rescue resides in the feisty ferret cage.
because he is "brilliant" he uses litter boxes, so i have 2 litters on the bottom & a 12 x 12 marble tile from home depot on the bottom, so ther is little exposed wire bottom. and on the top i still use the fleece.
it is ok for them to have a little wire bottom as long as there is plenty of non wire for them to rest on, which with this cage there is.
i really like the cage, it is easy to get in & out of and i love the slide out tray on the bottom. i know a lot of members love the ferret nation, but when i bought the feisty i was not on this forum and didnt even know there were so many options!
I have a fiesty ferret cage and yes I use fleece. Did you already get your cage? If not, the best price I found on mine was from Petsmart online. It's cheaper ordering from their website and using a free shipping coupon than it is going to their store to buy it. I love my cages and so do my chins. I do have a litter pan in the cage that they use and I change their "sheets" (the fleece) usually once a week, sometimes sooner if they need it. I vacume it out everyday. I use chin chillers and their houses in the corners to keep them from pulling the fleece up.
Great! Thanks. I havent bought it yet so I will check online at Petsmart... Thanks for the advice! Also, can you take it off the stand?
I looks like you could if you wanted to, but you would be able to use the bottom pull out pan then. I set mine up myself and it was pretty easy. I like having the shelf on the bottom, that's what I keep their suppies. I use to use the shelves that came with it and I just make covers for them so the chins wouldn't chew the plastic. But I've since taken those out and now I just have pine shelves and ledges. Let me know if you'd like to see pictures and I can take some for ya :)