Females more aggressive

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Well-known member
Aug 7, 2014
Lawrenceville, Illinois
Okay, we have 3 chinchillas all in the same cage a FN182. The top and bottom level are closed off from each other. In the top unit are two females at age 2. We got them about a month ago, and the bottom unit we have a male about 4 months old. Male is very sweet, come right up to me. Will crawl on my hand, and take food right from me, I haven't taken him out for play time, but we are almost at that point. Now my females, one has bit me about 3 weeks ago. We had gotten them in their cages when we brought them home and a week later I recieve my ledges in the mail. So me and my husband were installing them, and one of the females bit me. I bled it hurt. I believe it was out of fear. I have heard around the same time the females sounded like fighting one evening. There is some fur spots missing, but no different than when we bought them, and I have also seen the females bit their own fur before, but what is all over the cage appears to be shedding, this was only one incident, I am home with them all night and day. I am stay at home mom, and I spend quite a bit of time around them. Now my question is, are females more aggressive? Or is it because the male is a baby thats why hes more comfortable with me? How can I help ease the females to be more comfortable with me

Now, I want to add that one of the females will come up to cage if I call with soft high pitched sounds, with out me opening the doors.
Both will come up to me when I open the door and rest my hand in, but any major movements and they scare away easily unlike my boy. All three will take a treat or food from my hand.
My boy will stay on my hand if I move slowly, the females will not. I know it takes time. If I open the cage doors and I stick the dust bath up against the cage door way, they will jump it to it while I am holding it. My boy is semi holdable, I held him when I recieved him, he has never bit me. He barked at me once. Or atleast I think what that was.

The female has barked at me and my husband before. That was when we first got them. My chins are naturally talkers. I can hear them talking at night from the other room a lot.

Any tips for getting them more comfortable with me?