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Animal/ Outdoors Lover
Mar 16, 2011
1. Is cleaning the cage like cleaning a hmaster cage? Like replacing the bedding and scrubbing with dish soap?
2. How often should I replace his food and water?
3. How much food should I put in his food bowl?
4. What should I do if he chews on his cage? I don't have him yet, but since my baby hamster is CONSTANTLY chewing on his cage, this is one of my concerns.
5. Is it okay to put him in a ball for only about 10 minutes while I clean out his cage?
6. Does he have to have a wheel or saucer, even if I let him play for a long time?
7. Will he be disturbed by the noise of my hamster next to him?(running on squeeky wheel, biting cage doors, burrowing)
8. What kind of things could I give him to chew? Like sticks, wood, stuffed animals with no plastic, cardboard?
9. I want to make him a fleece tube. What kind of tube do you reccomend?
10. Will he be bothered by the sound of my guitar?

Thanks to the kind person who cares enough to answer these!
P.S. I'm working on a name. I really like Josef, Hero, Malik, Namu, or Rally. What do you think? ;)
1. It is like cleaning a hamster cage. Lots of poop all over the place! Just replace the bedding with chinchilla friendly bedding, aspen or pine bedding! No carefresh bedding
2. His food should be refilled everyday, water changed everyday
3.A half of a cup a day
4.He can chew on his cage as long as it is not plastic. Though, most chins do not chew their cages.
5.Do NOT put him in a ball. They are death balls. End of discussion.
6.He doesn't have to have a wheel or a saucer but they are reccomended. Though, the plastic ones are junk so you need to get a 'ChinSpin'
7.Do not put the hamster next to the chinchilla. They should be on opposite sides of the room.
8. Anything that is pine and other chin friendly items you can let him chew. They like the lava ledges you can find at pet stores, or some rose hips. They also love loofah
9. I reccomend a PVC pipe. I got mine from homedepot, they come small and you can have them cut it for you if you want
10. No he will not, mine loves music :)

I hope you have fun with your new chin!!
Post pictures up of him when you get him!

I like Rally :)
1. Many people use a 50/50 solution of water and vinegar no soap or chemicals
2. Daily. Water bottle should be washed almost everyday too.
3. As much food as they will eat! I give mine 1/4 cup everyday and she eats most of it.
4. Get a cage that is made out of metal not plastic.
5. Balls are dangerous to chinnies. They can overheat and die.
6. They don't NEED a wheel but most of them enjoy having one
7. Don't put them side by side. Give them some room in between.
8. Chinchilla safe woods like apple are good for them. They also like pumice stones, bamboo shredders, etc. You can find many chews/sticks in the for sale section
9. Many people use a PVC pipe (6" in diameter) with a fleece cover. Many members on here also sell these if you don't want to make one yourself or can't find it in your area.
10. Most are intrigued by music. :))

I'm glad you're asking all these questions and doing your research beforehand! thumbs up!
You've gotten good advice and I also use the vinegar/water solution to clean cages. I would like to suggest that you take the time to read all the FAQ's that are posted in each section of the chin forum. They contain valuable information. :thumbsup: It's great that you are doing your research before you get your chin. :))
Hi. Welcome to the forum!
1. Depends what type of cage you get. Housing for a chinchilla and hamster are usually quite different. Look under FAQs for recommended cage types. I clean my cages with a solution of one part white vinegar to one part water.
2. Daily is best. I usually top off food and water as needed and do a good scrub once a week.
3. I fill their bowls about halfway-- it probably about 1/4 cup of pellets. They can be free-fed unlimited pellets and hay.
4. There should be no accessible plastic in the cage for this reason.
5. I wouldn't use the ball for any amount of time for many reasons. Search "death balls" on here and you'll see why.
6. No, he doesn't have to have a wheel or saucer. And if your chin is less than 6 months, they should have limited playtime and no wheel. They need that energy to grow. After 6 months, if you are able to provide a wheel or saucer the chin will thank you!
7. I don't think the hamster noise will bother the chin. I think your chin should be quarantined away from the hamster for the first month.
8. Your chewing ideas are good ones. Look under FAQs for ideas and browse some of the vendors on here. They sell all sorts of chin-friendly items cheaper than you can find at a petstore.
9. Some use PVC tubing, some cardboard, some steel.
10. I bet your chin will love the guitar if you play during its awake time! Most chins seem to enjoy music, being read to, or even tv.

I like all your name ideas but I vote Rally. :)
All of mine generaly eat about 2 tablespoons of pellets a day. Of course my female a lot more since she was recently pregnet then nursing. Iv never seen them over eat so you shouldnt have to worry about that.

As for your guitar, i would think it depends jsut what and how you play. I remember the noise from my brothers amp's as a kid. Not fun lol. So if your pluged in playing death metal or something, then i would imagin your chin not being to happy. Somehting softer and quiter tho they might like
good advice given. just make sure you never let your hammy & chinnie play together and keep a decent distance between their cages as you dont want them able to reach each other or be able to toss things like poop in opposite cages.

i give my cages a nightly clean, where i scoop up all hay, shavings, poop, & debris from their fleece liners. i dump all uneaten food and hay and replace with fresh. i dump their litter pans every other night except those who use is exclusively or have a pair in the cage, in that case they get dumped nightly.

about 1 time per week, i put my chins in a safe play area an switch their fleece and clean their whole cage before putting them back in.

i leave the radio on for my guys whenever i am not home. they like top 40. ;)
1. It is like cleaning a hamster cage. Lots of poop all over the place! Just replace the bedding with chinchilla friendly bedding, aspen or pine bedding! No carefresh bedding
2. His food should be refilled everyday, water changed everyday
3.A half of a cup a day
4.He can chew on his cage as long as it is not plastic. Though, most chins do not chew their cages.
5.Do NOT put him in a ball. They are death balls. End of discussion.
6.He doesn't have to have a wheel or a saucer but they are reccomended. Though, the plastic ones are junk so you need to get a 'ChinSpin'
7.Do not put the hamster next to the chinchilla. They should be on opposite sides of the room.
8. Anything that is pine and other chin friendly items you can let him chew. They like the lava ledges you can find at pet stores, or some rose hips. They also love loofah
9. I reccomend a PVC pipe. I got mine from homedepot, they come small and you can have them cut it for you if you want
10. No he will not, mine loves music :)

I hope you have fun with your new chin!!
Post pictures up of him when you get him!

I like Rally :)
Oh darn! I was planning on CareFresh, that's the kind I buy for my hamster!
The hamster is now at a different location.
I actually used two large containers, cut the bottoms out, taped them together and put fleece around it!
Yay! I hope mine loves music too.
Oh trust me, I will definitely be having tons of fun.
Tons of pictures, of coarse!
I think I'm going with Rally.

1. Many people use a 50/50 solution of water and vinegar no soap or chemicals
2. Daily. Water bottle should be washed almost everyday too.
3. As much food as they will eat! I give mine 1/4 cup everyday and she eats most of it.
4. Get a cage that is made out of metal not plastic.
5. Balls are dangerous to chinnies. They can overheat and die.
6. They don't NEED a wheel but most of them enjoy having one
7. Don't put them side by side. Give them some room in between.
8. Chinchilla safe woods like apple are good for them. They also like pumice stones, bamboo shredders, etc. You can find many chews/sticks in the for sale section
9. Many people use a PVC pipe (6" in diameter) with a fleece cover. Many members on here also sell these if you don't want to make one yourself or can't find it in your area.
10. Most are intrigued by music. :))

I'm glad you're asking all these questions and doing your research beforehand! thumbs up!
Aww thanks! I really appreciated the advice, and will definitely use it!

You've gotten good advice and I also use the vinegar/water solution to clean cages. I would like to suggest that you take the time to read all the FAQ's that are posted in each section of the chin forum. They contain valuable information. :thumbsup: It's great that you are doing your research before you get your chin. :))
Does the kind of vinegar matter? I have white vinegar. And I just read them! They helped bunches! And trust me, weeks of research! I feel that if I can't care for him correctly, I don't deserve him at all!
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Hi. Welcome to the forum!
1. Depends what type of cage you get. Housing for a chinchilla and hamster are usually quite different. Look under FAQs for recommended cage types. I clean my cages with a solution of one part white vinegar to one part water.
2. Daily is best. I usually top off food and water as needed and do a good scrub once a week.
3. I fill their bowls about halfway-- it probably about 1/4 cup of pellets. They can be free-fed unlimited pellets and hay.
4. There should be no accessible plastic in the cage for this reason.
5. I wouldn't use the ball for any amount of time for many reasons. Search "death balls" on here and you'll see why.
6. No, he doesn't have to have a wheel or saucer. And if your chin is less than 6 months, they should have limited playtime and no wheel. They need that energy to grow. After 6 months, if you are able to provide a wheel or saucer the chin will thank you!
7. I don't think the hamster noise will bother the chin. I think your chin should be quarantined away from the hamster for the first month.
8. Your chewing ideas are good ones. Look under FAQs for ideas and browse some of the vendors on here. They sell all sorts of chin-friendly items cheaper than you can find at a petstore.
9. Some use PVC tubing, some cardboard, some steel.
10. I bet your chin will love the guitar if you play during its awake time! Most chins seem to enjoy music, being read to, or even tv.

I like all your name ideas but I vote Rally. :)
Thank you bunches for your advice!
Yes I am leaning towards Rally.
I find it funny you have a "goofy chocolate lab". You haven't seen a goofy chocolate lab until you have met my Zoey! :)

All of mine generaly eat about 2 tablespoons of pellets a day. Of course my female a lot more since she was recently pregnet then nursing. Iv never seen them over eat so you shouldnt have to worry about that.

As for your guitar, i would think it depends jsut what and how you play. I remember the noise from my brothers amp's as a kid. Not fun lol. So if your pluged in playing death metal or something, then i would imagin your chin not being to happy. Somehting softer and quiter tho they might like
It's a acoustic guitar, and I play it gently due to the fact I have two brothers bedrooms right next to me. And it's very cool you had a pregnant chin! (Of course I would never dream of it.)
And thank you so much! You have replied to lots of threads! You're the best! :)
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good advice given. just make sure you never let your hammy & chinnie play together and keep a decent distance between their cages as you dont want them able to reach each other or be able to toss things like poop in opposite cages.

i give my cages a nightly clean, where i scoop up all hay, shavings, poop, & debris from their fleece liners. i dump all uneaten food and hay and replace with fresh. i dump their litter pans every other night except those who use is exclusively or have a pair in the cage, in that case they get dumped nightly.

about 1 time per week, i put my chins in a safe play area an switch their fleece and clean their whole cage before putting them back in.

i leave the radio on for my guys whenever i am not home. they like top 40. ;)
Aww that's so cute! :)
I love your chins name Pichu! :) Chinchillas definitely look like little Pichus. Haha!
You can free feed food and hay - they will not over eat. You want them to always have a food source available in the cage. Don't forget to use filtered water - tap water could give them Giardia.
My first chocolate lab's name was Zoey! They must all be goofy. :crazy:
Ahh! That's crazy! Ahaha! She does the funniest things. If she finds something on the floor, she tosses it in the air and tries to catch it! I've watched her do it for like 10 minutes straight. Haha. <3