escape artists

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Well-known member
Apr 2, 2011
So I have two young females who have now ruined two cages in attempt to escape..looks like tomorrow I gotta go have the plexiglass cut for my FN cage to put them in then haha they wont be able to get out...

at them moment they are in a cage that has a plastic bottom and they keep chewing holes in them..
i love the bass pans, they fit perfect, but they are made just for the fn's

they are great escape artist.. along time ago before i got my big cage, lucy kept getting out, i coudln't figure out.. well, one night i saw her climb out the back of teh cage, one of the wires was broke but you couldn't notice it until it was moved.. darn chinnies.
They are smart little devils in disguise! We had a Tan named Canton. We knew how he got out, he would do a run at ya, and Geronimo! Took us almost a week once to get him back into his cage. Sneaky little guy kept going under our staircase where the oil tank was, and no way anyone could fit. Once he saw anyone coming, he'd go right for under the stairs in the basement. He went from being Canton to S.O.B, and the name stuck!!!
lmao Twilight...these girls are lil boogers..i taped a piece of metal over the hole til tomorrow...i told them the get out tonight I was gonna spank em..can you see me spankin a chin..lil brats is what they are....:hair:
He went from being Canton to S.O.B, and the name stuck!!!

haha. Thats how my ferret got the name 'Little' you get the idea ;)


Deffently be carefull with chins ecaping. I almost lost my first kit Houdini due to him ecaping before i even new he was born. (and a few times after that, hence his name)

Even with the next litter of two girls, being preparred still wasnt enough. They still out smarted me and got out. Over and over. So precautions are deffenitly in order with them if you have a cage that kits can get out of.