Easy fix idea

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Active member
Oct 21, 2010
So my new chinchillas are chewers and I discovered they chewed a whole in their bottle a while back. I ran to petsmart and of course they didn't have a glass one, I had to get a water bottle so I got a plastic one. I was trying to find a way to prevent the chinchillas from chewing the bottle and so here is my fix:

Somewhere on this website I saw fleece human water bottle covers where you freeze normal drinking bottles with water. You pretty much make a pillow case for the water bottle so that the chinchillas can rest on them and get cooled. I'm not sure where its located here but I love those things! Anyways, make sure that it'll fit the CHINCHILLAS water bottle pretty snug so that you can still attach it to the cage. and thats it! My chinchillas haven't poked a whole in this one yet so :D

The glass water bottles never worked well for me, my chinchillas LOVED the spring that came with it to secure it to the cage and eventually they stretched it out somehow lol.

I'm so thankful that someone posted about those frozen water bottle covers, I live in Florida and they help me so much, they work better than the marble slabs since they stay cold all day.
I never thought of that. I wanted to get a water bottle with those edstrom-like valves instead on the ball/vacuum type but I don't think anyone makes them in glass and I didn't want to buy a plastic one just to have my chin eat it!! I might just try out your idea when I get around to buying that water bottle!! Thanks

Also, if that doesn't work out for you I know stores sell bottle guards, just metal holders for the water bottle that block it from being chewed on.