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Well-known member
Jun 24, 2010
I've gone and done it again. 2 fat little Degus were destined for the rescue centre, so i've adopted them.

I just have one reservation. I think my cage that i bought is too small. I'm wondering whether its better as a 'holiday home' instead of their constant habitat!

Does anyone on here have Degus? If so what size cage have you used? I've kitted this out niceley with shelves and a ramble net (rope bridge thing) and a wheel, but i look at my chinnies and rats and know they will go home to a larger cage than theirs. I have a horrid feeling i should have got the more expensive cage :(
ok so i've panicked enough to convince myself i need a larger home, so i'm trawling ebay and what do i find....a copy of an FN142 for £90. including postage. I don't care if i hadn't planned on spending £90 on a cage, its the dream of all cages. Chins can live in style. Degu's go to the chins' old home. Everyone has lots of space and also a holiday home....and i get got at for spending FAR too much money on pets.....again. but its such a good deal!
oops i bought it. Looks like the chinnies are moving to a life of luxury :D I'm gonna go nosy at everyone's set ups now...
well its a wannabe, doesn't quite have the flexibility of an FN, but size wise, door opening, layout etc mimics it well. It probably just isn't as sturdy. but all my cages are collapsable, so sturdyness isn't an issue for me. I'm now trawling to go fleece all out but struggling with the UK gah!
I have two degus, Simon and Theodore. They're blind, so they each have their own guinea pig-sized one-level cage. (They got into a nasty fight when they hit puberty and had to be separated.)

I recently sold a Marshall Ferret Mansion (replaced it with a Ferret Nation for one of my chins) to a lady who was planning to use it for two degus she'd rescued from becoming snake food. My degus would never have done well with that much space to navigate, but hers think they've hit the jackpot.
well the degu's would inherit the chin's current set up of

i took out the wired sections so its a wooden playground for them and it transforms a cage like that when you put your own shelving in. It'll be perfect for the degus, then the huuuge cage for my fatty chinnies :D

And snake food?! noooo i knew rats were prone to being given out for that, but i didn't know they did it with degus too! I am yet to get their puberty, i'm sure its soon, they're just gone 6 months...