Cute Story!

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Well-known member
Nov 1, 2011
Sooo I thought this was pretty cute. My chin Gus stayed at my parents house all summer because I was gone a lot and moving. Well my mom fell in love with him naturally. She even took pictures and uploaded them to facebook calling him her grand chinchilla... lol Well my little nephew also was staying at my parents house and hes a year old and he always wanted to go into Gus' room to see him and he was allowed to look but not touch.. he even learned to say Gus Gus before he could say my name.. go figure haha. Well i just brought Gus back up to school with me and my mom told me today that my nephew kept going into Gus' room and looking in all the boxes and just kept saying Gus Gus.. I think he misses him :( and of course so does my mom. I think she is now contemplating getting one of her own haha i got her hooked :)
Exactly same with my mum, I let her babysit for while I was gone for 2weeks, she was actually quite scared of them at first knowing they are so fast and might bite, my sister also helped to give them all their daily needs.
As the days past, my dad told me mum would sit next to their cage and talk to them, feed them pieces of hay, it would take her half of hr every night to say goodnight, she just fellin love with my boys.

After I got them back, mum was already telling me how much she misses them and wants to get 2 of her own, mum isnt an animal person.
I couldn't let her get any since she wouldn't promise me to turn on her air con 24/7 in summer.

After that, I asked her for another babysit session, and she turned me down...
She said she missed them so much after they left last time she didn't want to take them in again unless I let them stay longer...haha

These little balls of fur can crawl into any bodies heart so easily.
haha yeah thats exactly how my mom was, she was terrified at first and now shes in love. My aunt is also not an animal person but she watched him while we were on vacation and she fell in love too.
Sounds like my mom she hated my first one but the cage I got her was messed up so my mom got her a box to stay in while I went to the store to exchange the cage of course she was doing her Im scared sound and my mom had to hold her(I didnt even have her 24 hours yet) so my mom wrapped her in a towel and was petting her and talking to her. My nephew and neices love them I pull one of them out whenever they come over and my almost 2 year old niece acts all shy around them but then she touches them lightly on the head and gets scared she loves them but is scared of them lol
That's pretty funny. My mom was the same way and by no means is she an animal person. She keeps saying she wants one. I told her she'd be allowed to visit and that's it!
My parents call my chinchillas their grand babies. And I adopted one from a long time friend, and HIS mother calls Rocky her grandchild. There has been some debate about what to call baby Eevee, though. GREAT grandchild?? Lol. Neither grandmother likes the sound of that!
Aww.. that is very sweet! Hopefully your mom gets one of her own. My parents are not as fond of my chinchillas, they call them "rats" but jokingly refer to them as their grandkids.. lol