Critter Nation Cage?

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Well-known member
May 28, 2011
Indy area
I found a cage on craigslist that looks just like a Ferret Nation cage, but the lady who is selling it told me it is a Critter Nation cage. Is this the same company? Are their cages okay for chinchillas?

Also, I tried putting a couple of pictures of Misty on here, and was wondering if the new wheel we bought her is okay? A friend of my husband's who has chinchillas recommended it, but she doesn't seem to like it so just wondering.

And I know the plastic is bad!! It was all I could find for her at the time, so hopefully the new cage works out!



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I think the critter nation is a god cage for chin. The dimensions are the same for the CN and FN. However, the bar spacing is 1/2" for the CN and 1" for the FN. Also, the bars run horizontally for the CN.

The wheel you have is dangerous because a chinnies toes can get stuck. A 15" chin spin or metal flying saucer are the most recommended wheels for chins.
i agree with Stephanie very much on the wheel being dangerous! return it to the store, find a hamster keeper to give it to, or toss it, just don't use it for chins ever. Rhino came with that exact same wire mesh type wheel and it is gathering dust in my storage room, and will never be anywhere near a chin.

as for the Critter Nation cage, it's a great cage for chins, with only a couple small drawbacks - firstly, the bar spacing won't allow you to give your fuzzbutts any scritches through the cage bars. the half inch spacing just isn't wide enough. secondly, the alignment of the horizontal bars (vs the Ferret Nation vertical bars) can encourage cage climbing, which can result in injury if the chin climbs up high and falls. the upside to a Critter Nation is that it is a safe cage for babies and smaller/younger chins (they can't get out through the half inch bars).

if the CN (Critter Nation) is a really good deal, i say go for it.
Thank you so much for the advice!! I will look for a new wheel right away, and see if the store will let me return that one.

I am supposed to get the cage tomorrow, and it is a good deal, so I will probably go with that one.

Thanks again for the advice!!
I was also just thinking that since I have young kids (7, 5, 2) who have friends come over a lot, maybe the smaller spacing would discourage a bunch of sticky fingers in there, too. My kids are really good with Misty, and she's used to them, but she can get overwhelmed sometimes when there are other kids here.

Now that I think about it, I think the smaller spaces will be perfect!!!
If it is a good deal, then yes, I would get it.

Note, I would only use ledges that have two or more brackets to attach. I had mine in the bottom portion of a CN temporarily and they busted 4-5 of the bars (just snapped) where a lava ledge was. I think if it has two or more washers it is more likely to distribute the weight correctly. Good luck with your new cage!
I have one CN and one FN. Aside from the bar spacing, the only other noteworthy difference is that the plastic pans they come with will need to be replaced immediately. My chins couldn't chew through the FN pans, but they really went to town on the CN pans. It was ridiculous. I upgraded to Bass pans and they fit a lot better in the FN. I have to muscle them into the CN a bit. It's not horrible, but it's definitely an annoyance.
The CN is a great cage!

Misty is super cute! Are her eyes okay? Does she seem to have any discharge? Sometimes when the fur lays down around their eyes it means an eye infection. Not trying to worry you, just thought I should mention it.
The CN is a great cage!

Misty is super cute! Are her eyes okay? Does she seem to have any discharge? Sometimes when the fur lays down around their eyes it means an eye infection. Not trying to worry you, just thought I should mention it.

I'm glad you mentioned that, I was wondering about it, too. I haven't noticed any discharge coming from her eyes, but her fur does look like that a lot. It always looks better after she has a dust bath, could she just have very oily skin? Don't know if that is possible with chinchillas.

And thanks! We think she's a cutie, too!
I don't have any personal experience with eye infections, so not sure where you should go from here. I would maybe post a picture/question in the health section? Hopefully some more experienced members can advise.
I'm glad you mentioned that, I was wondering about it, too. I haven't noticed any discharge coming from her eyes, but her fur does look like that a lot. It always looks better after she has a dust bath, could she just have very oily skin? Don't know if that is possible with chinchillas.

And thanks! We think she's a cutie, too!

It does look like she has something going on with her eyes. It is not normal for both eyes to look like that. Normally if it was just one, it's most likely an infection. However with 2, I'd be worried about teeth issues. The roots of the upper molars and overgrow and put pressure on the tear ducts, causing the watering. Also just pain from teeth can cause watering, and they'll wipe their eyes, messing up all that fur.

Regardless I would take her to the vet. X-rays would be a good idea, and go from there regarding if it is teeth issues or eye infection. It could be likely that if she had an infection in one eye, it spread to the other. However it would be best just to rule everything out at once.

I remember you said you were in Indy; if you need a chin experienced vet I know of several. There is one AWESOME vet on the north side, Dr. Lennox @ Avian & Exotic Animal Hospital.
Oh no :( I was so hoping someone would say it's normal.

I am in Westfield, just a little north of Indy. I'll look up the vet you mentioned, unless you know of one even closer to me? any idea how much it will cost for an exam?
I just called them, Misty has an appt tomorrow afternoon. Thank you so much for the vet recommendation. I appreciate all the help, so much.
The CN is a great cage!

Misty is super cute! Are her eyes okay? Does she seem to have any discharge? Sometimes when the fur lays down around their eyes it means an eye infection. Not trying to worry you, just thought I should mention it.


I never got a chance to thank you for pointing out Misty's eyes. I truly think if you hadn't, we would have woken up to find her passed away in her cage. I am so grateful that someone with more experience would take the time to care about our little sweetie. Can't tell you what it means to me and my kids to still have her with us. Thanks :)
Aww, Lisa, you are so welcome! I am really happy something I said was of any help. I'm just glad Stackie saw the thread too, since she has the experience and knew where to go in your area. I hope Misty continues to improve and stays with you guys for a long time to come!