Constant Chewing

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Well-known member
Feb 1, 2009
Des Plaines, IL
Do any of your chins move their mouths when they sleep like they are chewing?

Is this normal or could there be a problem?
I know they sleep with their hay cubes in their house and wake twice a day to eat. Sometime I hear them chewing but other times they are asleep, eyes closed and the mouth is going like he's got gum in there. They both do but one more than the other.
Mine do that while they're sleeping, and sometimes while they're just sitting there, I can hear them moving their teeth around, I think it's generally normal.
Ours do that as well, and there are no other teeth/eating issues, so I've figured it's normal.
My understanding is that chins do this a lot - especially after they eat. Like, they grind their teeth to get food out, or to wear them down a little if they don't want to find something to chew. Maybe your chins are dreaming of chewing :)
so funny.............i was going to ask this same question today. i noticed my one chin sitting on his food bowl looking like he was trying to talk to me!
I do not know if all chins do it ,but some store food in the mouth.
Sleep chewing! I bet they'd rather be sleep eating LOL! Almost all my crew do this, especially Abigail! Maybe they are hoping if they chew a treat will magicially appear!
I think they sometimes have food kind of in the back of their mouths or in their teeth and they chew it. I liken it to a cow chewing cud, except not quite as gross and way cuter.