Color of urine?

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Well-known member
Jul 26, 2011
Jacksonville, FL
Okay, so I've read several times that chins can have darker urine at times, but if it's bloody then they likely have a UTI or something really serious going wrong.

I'm concerned as while wiping down the cage the urine that I wiped up was pretty dark, not quite brown in color. It certainly wasn't red, and none of the aspen in their potty dish is red or very discolored like I would expect, but I wanted to be sure this was okay.

The major concern is that one of my chins has had a change in behavior recently that is concerning me. He has been very standoffish where as previously he was very social and always wanted out of the cage. He will run to the lower level when I put my hand in the cage. It is almost like I broke his trust somehow.

Does this sound like something may be actually wrong with him, or is it just a trust issue?
Chin urine can be very dark, from what you're describing I wouldn't be concerened. I'd be looking for more symptoms before running to the vet.

If there was lethargy or 'sick symptoms' I'd be going to the vet asap, but if it's just what you described I'd think it's an attitude thing.
I'm paranoid and overly cautious. That being said, I'd separate them so that I could pay close attention food/water intake, urine output, fecal size/consistency and overall behavior. If any of those were off, I'd go to the vet.

Good luck!
I was going to seperate them, but I have seen Jelly (the specific one I am concerned abaout) drinking as well as eating on a regular basis. He's chewing on wood and the pumice stones with regularity.

When I offered him a cardboard roll he snagged it and ran around the cage, just like normal.

It just seems to be more of an attitude change from him. I just wanted to make sure / get some other input.
Your chins are relatively new, they're most likely still adjusting, and you're probably still getting used to their behavior. If they're young chins they could be hitting puberty which would account for him being more skittish. Some chins don't show any changes, some turn into little demons.

If your chin is sick then your other chin has already been exposed at this point. Again, running away from you sounds like a behavioral thing, not an indication of illness. If the chin was off it's feed or acting lethargic I'd be concerned. At this point separating them might make one chin more dominant over the cage and cause issues when you decide to re-introduce. If it was my chin I'd be looking for blood, signs of pain, going off feed, lethargy, or bad droppings before I separated or went to the vet.
I would not seperate them. Just keep an eye on them as Brittany said. He sounds as if he is feeling fine. Grabbing toys and running away is a good thing. Keep an eye out for going off feed, lethargy, poor droppings, etc. IMO he sounds fine.