churro does not make any sense

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Well-known member
Mar 26, 2009
I just got his chin spin in yesterday, during play time I installed it in his cage and after play time what does he do sleep in the wheel and once I woke this morning he was still sleeping in the wheel. I don't understand him sometimes especially when he sits under the water bottle which is low enough for his back to touch it so water drips on him... hes not the sharpest tool in the shed I must say.:pillowfight:
I have one that is just like yours ... not to bright. I will have a gazillion wood sticks in my hand and he manages to find a fingernail, actually prefers the fingernail, always! Put the dustbath down and he rolls and twirls around the outside just at the opening. I could go on and on about Dexter but this is your thread. Just wanted you to know you are not alone. I love each one of my chins & their different personalities.
That's why we need to love those "special chinnies". maybe we need a telethon.....
Atleast I know im not alone, but some of the stuff he does just boggles my mind. We should start a thread on all the weird things our chins do.
They can drive you crazy when YOU get excited for a toy and give it to them and they either ignore it or use it inappropriately!
I have one that is just like yours ... not to bright. I will have a gazillion wood sticks in my hand and he manages to find a fingernail, actually prefers the fingernail, always!

Heh. It is possible that he is expressing affection by attempting to groom you.

With each other they know how to do the grooming, but with us because we are shaped differently they are not so sure how to go about it.
Heh. It is possible that he is expressing affection by attempting to groom you.

With each other they know how to do the grooming, but with us because we are shaped differently they are not so sure how to go about it.

It's possible, however, he (Dexter) and his cage mate (Dart) never groom each other. Never have! But remember, we are talking about a chin who walks out of a dust bath then rolls and twirls at the opening! He is our "special" boy. He keeps us laughing and is well loved:)
My other two chins, Meatball and Barry Manilow, groom each other all of the time and groom me as well. Usually on the ball of my hand, my face and hair.
My chinchilla (toba doba) jumps into my guinea pigs cage and puff his chest out. The guinea pig gets on it's hind legs and pulls on his fur. You can see her pulling it pretty good and he just sits there until she pulls a bit to hard and then he barks at her. He will do this for an hour. I just dont get it.
Another funny thing i jsut noticed churro do today is start scratching and rolling in the wheel like its his dust bath.... the best was when I first got him the bath house it took him a week to figure it out at one point he was on top and tried to roll around on the top and that made me cry from laughter