Chins getting excited hearing the food tin opening!!

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<--My little soldier!
Mar 15, 2012
My chins hasn't been eating her pellets for months now, and she stopped getting excited about hearing her food tin being opened.
Today, for the first time ever she heard her food tin being opened and she went crazy in her cage!
She hasn't done this in almost 6 months!

Anyone else's chin get excited about hearing familiar sounds like a food tin being opened?
Very clever animals! haha :thumbsup:
My girl gets excited when she hears me tap their bathhouse. She even comes out of wherever she's hiding and stands at the door begging me to just let her take her bath.

My boy doesn't get excited until he hears her taking her bath.

Then he'll hurry up and run to where I usually put it.

Both of them get extremely attentive of me when they hear zip lock bags opening, too, since they think they might get a treat.
My boys don't really care to much if they hear or even see me open their food container. But for some obscure reason they go crazy if they hear plastic crinkling, and I don't even store their treats in plastic bags! Pretty certain they associate the sound with treats, but I don't know why.
They run to the front of the cage stand on their hind legs and do what vaguely looks like a monkey impression if they hear me pull out and dig through the wood bin. I absolutely can't sneak wood out without them noticing either.
And they go spazzy for the dust bath, I keep my dust stored in a bucket with a lid to keep it from getting spilled and whatnot and transfer it to the jar they take their dust baths in, and they know the moment I pull those two items out even though they both looked like they were sleeping.
My guys get excited when they hear the sound of the treat container with their shredded wheat inside. As well as their bath house. It's pretty funny, but I have to be careful to not move or pick up the treat container, especially when I'm not meaning to give them one then, they know that sound too well lol.
All of my chins learn the sounds of what ever their treats are in. And they go crazy when they hear it, or even something similar to it. But their even smarter. Iv changed the container or w/e the treats are in a few times over the years. And every time, they will learn the new sound to their treat lol.
For mine it's the plastic bag. Their hay comes in plastic bags and I buy the small ones and store it that way, so a bag gets crinkled every time just before they get their fresh hay. Because of that, it doesn't matter what bag I'm reaching into or carrying past them, they run up front and press and sniff and bob about. I never let that activity go unrewarded, though. They may not get hay or treats when I rattle a store bag, but they will certainly get scritches! They loves their scritches!