Chins and wet tail.

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New member
Mar 26, 2011
Florence, KY
OKay. I've got a chinny at home that's sick. The area under her bum just by her tail is wet..and there's a slight odor that she never had before. She's not eating much..and she doesn't seem to want to move around much either. Usually, when I open the cage, she runs to the door and climbs all over me. Both yesterday and today she has just sat there on the cage shelf and stared at me or looked completely miserable.. I'm taking her to the vet asap, so no worries there.
I've been reading up on the matter though, and gotten conflicting information. Some places say that Chins can get wet tail, but it's rare, some say they don't at all.. I just want to get other opinions on the matter.
So my question to all of you is, Can Chins get wet tail?
What do you mean by wet tail?

It's probably urine on her tail. Since chinchillas don't sweat, it has to be either her urine, blood, or water. I'm guessint that it's not blood because it would be red and would obviously be able to identify. You say that it smells so I would go against water, but it still could be. I'm going with that it is urine.

I would go check out with the vet to see if her tail is working properly, there was a story on here about a chin who had to get it's tail cut off because it kept dragging because it couldn't move it and in addition it was dragging it through it's pee causing it to become raw. I'll see if I can find the thread.

However, I would let others with much more experience chim in.


I found it, I got my story mixed up a little but got the basic idea. You should read through it and see if your chin has the same symptoms. But I wouldn't take my word fully because I'm not all that experienced with chin emergencies...
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no chins don't get 'wet tail' (that is a hamster problem). However it is good to be taking her to a vet. Being she is not eating and not acting normal I am sure there is a problem. I could be a kidney problem or pyomeria - things that only a vet can help
It could be pyrometra an infection in the uterus. Since she is not feeling well you need to get her to a vet today, she may need to be spayed.
agreed. get her to a vet asap. if it is pyometra and is left untreated, it can easily result in the death of your chin.
If it was urine, it would be yellow. Unless she lays under a water bottle with her butt up in the air, it isn't water.

I agree, I would be very concerned for pyometra. Get her to a vet immediately.