Chinchilla Show? Anyone been?

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Well-known member
Apr 11, 2011
I want to go to a chinchilla show and enter my baby just to experience and see all the other chins! I'm scared he wont be as good as the rest and it will really hurt my feelings because he's my baby! lol! What to do? Has anyone ever been?
Many of us has been to shows. They judge the chinchilla on a pelt standard- fur quality, clarity, conformation, size, etc. Reading through our show FAQ's can give you an idea of show do's and don'ts.

If your chin is only a pet, the judge's comments won't apply much anyway. Shows are mostly used for breeders to get an idea of the quality of their animals and the quality of the animals they are producing.

I don't think there are many more shows coming up, as they are generally only in fall/winter/early spring. Depending on where you are located, there may be one close to you.
I've been to two shows and learned a lot at both. I showed my two boys and really wanted Edgar who we had since he was a baby to do well. He got a second and were a little bummed but since we aren't going to breed this soon didn't matter. I did however learn a lot by going to the shows and even if you aren't going to breed I think worth going just to learn from people who are devoted to chinchillas.

If you are going to show I'd recommend going to a field day where they go slower and allow questions. You can learn lots. Also beware as it's really easy for a chinchilla to follow you home. That's how we got Jackie.
Hi Whitney! Shows are lots of fun - the judges are super nice people willing to help people learn. They will take time to show you what qualities they look for. I have yet to see a mean judge - I have seen judges that were very picky :D

At the end of the day regardless of the placing the chins are all our babies anyways :)
Hey Christie!

You will be happy to know Petaluma is doing wonderful! My other baby didn't know how to take a dust bath and it was so sweet watching her teach it!! :) I want to go really bad. I may come with Lindsey if she comes! I would like to go just to see everything! I would bring her along because she is beautiful! Let me know when you have some more babies! I am looking for a ex. dark ebony male and one with violet background!