Chinchilla Cage Tour

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Dec 30, 2015
Los Angeles, CA
Hi everyone!

So both of my boys are finally living together happily, and are officially sharing one 3 level critter nation cage.

I have been constantly upgrading the cage, but decided to go ahead and do a cage tour because if I wait until it's PERFECT, I will be waiting forever…because there will always be improvements to be made in my eyes!

Haha.. anyways, I would love if some of you would watch the video and give some feedback (positive or negative are both appreciated).

My channel is called Chintastic Chins and the link to the video is here:

Can some of you also post links to your youtube channels? I would love to follow you!!!

It took me a bit to watch the whole thing, it's long, lol. I don't think a cage is really ever finished, it's like having your house set up only one way all the time, never getting anything new, that gets boring. I'm always tweaking things in the cage, move a shelf here or there, add a toy, subtract a toy, etc. it is never ending.
You say they are a little too young for the wheel, that would probably also make them too young to be out running around. If they are still under 6 months they shouldn't be getting more then 5-10 minutes of playtime, or treats yet. They look bigger then 6 months though, or are you just being cautious?

Hermes stealing the Cheerio made me laugh, I call Cheerios cracky-Os because they act like I just gave them crack when they get one. Give them one and they search around to make sure they didn't miss a crumb, then beg for more, lol. Then go flying around the cage like a kid on candy.

The only think I can think to say about the cage is, make sure everything over laps, I can't really tell from the video. A fall of more then a foot can seriously hurt or kill a chin. Other then that you definitely have a couple of spoiled chins there. I really like how organized everything is, very easy to get to and find everything.

I have a few short videos of my chins on YouTube, no cage tour though, Hopefully that's the right link for linking a channel. I don't often updating though because I have very slow internet so even a 2 minute video can take hours to upload.
Haha thank you for taking the time to watch my long video! ;)

Hermes is nearly 7 months old, and Apollo I am more unsure. I was told he was around 3-4 months when I got him, but he was already WAY bigger than Hermes! So, that is why I keep the wheel out now to be safe.

I do probably give them a bit too much playtime given their age (30-45 minutes), but so far I have never noticed any negative effects of that. If I don't let them out they go bonkers in the cage!

As far as treats, I try to be very careful with Apollo since I am not entirely sure of his age. He mostly gets the occasional Cheerio or pinch of herbs.

Thanks for the advice about things overlapping. I was hesitant to take out the floor on the top level, but they have been jumping around gracefully and seem to not be having any problems so far.

I watched your videos.. your chins are very cute! I like the red "tent" tube in the one video..looks like so much fun! :)
The issue with having two (or more) is they can be meanies, I've had them push each other off ledges and shelves (into hammocks or onto shelves below) when one was in the way of the other. So it's not just the individual's jumping ability but the rough housing and pushing that can cause a fall. The red tunnel is actually a cat tunnel I bought at a dollar store for $2 each, there was a red tent too, but they decided it looked like a bathroom :facepalm:.