Chinchilla Bedtime Noise

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Ice Empress

Mar 13, 2013
Hi. I'm planning to get my chin around March, but examining all angles beforehand. I will be in my final semester of my psychology bachelors degree. I have fibromyalgia and so I have pretty bad insomnia and I also work from 11pm to 7am before going to school. My chin will be housed in my bedroom since that is the best place for her and the appropriate space for her Critter Nation cage.

Now I have owned a chin before but it was 6 years ago and I can't remember how noisy she was. I nap between 5pm-10:20pm and knowing chins are mostly active between dawn and dusk and the type of cage I will have, do you think my sleep will be severely impacted?
its hard to say. Every chin is different. And what they have in the cage can effect it as well.

For me personally, i rarely had issues with there noise when i slept the last several years. But i didn't have them in my bed room. The one time i did move them into my bed room briefly (i was preparing to move and already moved my AC then it got hot a week) they were not used to the area and on high alert. So they kept me up a good bit.

Of course im sure once they adjusted to the new environment it would have been much better. But mine was only for a short time.

Certain types of wheels can be noisy at times. If you have metal trays on metal cage bars with nothing to soften it, that can get loud.

What time your chin would be active will be a major factor as well. My chins don't rly start waking up till around 6-7pm. And they don't rly want to move around to much when they are waking up unless its to eat. So they are pretty quite most days during your sleeping hours. You will have to see how your chins sleeping pattern is once hes adjusted to the location.

One other little thing, more a random fyi; they do get used to patterns. My chins go to sleep in the early morning hours. And thats when my dad used to get home from work. He got in the habit of always giving them a twig when he got in. And the chins grew to expect it as well. So they would stay up and wait for him to get home so they could get there twig, THEN they would go to bed lol.
it was quite fun to watch them after the got used to it. They new early morning time when he gets back = twig. So as soon as they would hear that door knob turn they would get all excited and run to the edge of the cage, because they new what was coming lol.