Chin with lots of clear pee...UTI or stone?

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Sometimes the droppings are just a little more sticky. It could be anything really. Sometimes hormonal changes can cause it, or even slight changes in diet...something that a chin doesn't get to eat all the time or is brand new to them can cause a slight problem.

Also, at different times during the day the droppings can be different...some will be stickier and some will be drier.

As long as the droppings are not mushy at all, I wouldn't worry. She's getting acidophilus, that would crowd out bad bacteria and keep her digesting normally. Take a look at the droppings tomorrow, chances are they will be normal by then. :)
Also.....last night Bunny was drinking a TON of water. She drank often and for a long period of time (and yes, water was definitely coming out). So her poos are still sticky and just slighty easier to smooch than usual. Why would she drink so much all of the sudden? It didn't get is about 69/70 degrees in there. Pepper's poo is slightly sticky, but a bit firmer. Bunny was eating fine (she eats and drinks more than Pepper anyway...Pepper is too busy running on her wheel...she hogs it). I have been giving them acidophilus, but no real improvement. Are the poos softer because of the water, or is she thirstier because the poos are softer?
i had a chin who i collected urine from (he was recently neutered) and it was a dark orange color and a bit cloudy. but it is typically normal to range from clear to dark, it depends on the hydration, it the chin drinks a lot then they will have more clear liquid the cloudy part i would assume it was calcium like someone previously mentioned. i know guinea pigs (cousins to the chinchillas) are supposed to have a cloudy/milky white to yellow urine.

i have never dealt with sticky poo but maybe lay off the extra chew toys and treats and feed timmy hay and pellets. see if the sticky poo goes away after a few days.
They haven't gotten much of anything lately.....unless acidophilus or gas drops can do it. Don't know why they are drinking more. They peed a lot last night, but it was still darkish. They did go to the vet the other day, but the poo was sticky the night before that, so it isn't really stress from that. I haven't refilled their pellets today so that they would eat more hay, at least for a few hours. I just don't know how soft is too soft. They don't squish under the weight of the chins or they are not mushy. And they aren't "nasty" if I squish them, just flattened. I am just a paranoid chin mommy.....especially with them being so young. The vet the other day asked if they had been sneezing and I said no, so naturally, that night Bunny sneezed a couple times without a dust bath (but not really since)! Silly chins like to scare mama. I am keeping an eye on them.