~Chin version of a bonding pouch~

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Orchestrating Chaos
Sep 14, 2010
VA/NC line
I saw a pic of someone else who had one and so I had to try it!

This is Luvins trying it out.

Trying to get her to say hi for the camera, lol


How I did the straps, that way it stays snug to your body and doesn't swing away and bump on things

She stayed peeking out the top a lot, tried jumping out a couple times but settled in and seemed to like it. When I had to leave this morning she all but refused to get out and go back in her cage.

What do yall think?
Once I get caught back up on my ties I am going to put a window in it like I do bonding pouches for sugar gliders to give more air into it. Any other suggestions?

I only had one slide so I safety pinned that strap together till I go shopping to get another slide. Why I took a pic of that side I don't know LOL
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Hi, I was wondering if you would put instructions of how to make one onto this forum? I'd love to try that.
That is very nice!!

Wonder if Tribble would enjoy something like that. He loves for me to carry him around the house, he loves looking around. LOL
Tif made one for me out of Elvis fleece. It was thought it would help tame Bobo LOL! That is never going to happen but I have had Bobo in it and she loves to snuggle in there as well as Leonard and Bronwyn