chin recovery

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chin matchmaker <3
Jul 31, 2009
Montclair, NJ
Hi everyone, I just brought my chin home from being neutered, he seems to be doing fine but I've noticed him paying attention to the stitches quite a few times. I've given him soft places to lay, plenty of chew toys, and some dark peace and quiet. Is there anything else though that people may suggest to help a recovering chin, especially when it comes to stopping them from picking at their stitches?
Was he provided with any analgesia? What is he laying on? You say "soft places" but what is that specifically? Is he on a wire bottomed cage? If so, I would move him to a solid bottomed cage and line it with paper towels to keep track of discharge and blood.
He was provided with pain meds at the vet's office. And by soft places I mean that I lined the bottom of the cage with fleece which I'm going to be changing every day and I even made him a cushy pillow with fleece for him to lay on. The paper towels are a good idea though to keep track of any discharge or blood.