chin nibbled then bite me

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Apr 9, 2012
El Paso Texas
yesterday i was with my chin in the restroom so i can bond with him. but when i tried to get him he nibbled my finger then bit harder and harder. i didnt know what to do so im worried that he will bite me eveytime i try to get him =[
Since you mentioned that he was 2 months old (which is VERY young ) I take it you have not had him for too long. You need to slow down with him. He should not be out of his cage right now and you shouldn't be trying to get him out. Leave him in his cage so he gets use to that first - talk to him. Let him get used to you before putting your hand in the cage (except of course to feed him and clean his cage). It take patience to become buddies with chins. There are several threads on CnH that deal with bonding with a new chin. I suggest you follow those recommendations if you really want to bond with your baby. And he is a baby. I don't let my babies go until they are at least 10 weeks old - I don't feel it is healthy for them to go any sooner
My chin grooms me by nibbling on my fingers or toes, but will sometimes chomp down too hard. I actually tell her no and take my finger away. She has always seemed to understand and is more gentle.

Make sure you don't over-react either, as they can learn from that. I agree with above that if you haven't had him long yet, let him bond with you from within his cage first. He needs to be comfortable in his new surroundings, and it may stress him out to remove him from his cage environment. Sit next to the cage, spend time with him, talk to him, give him the rare/occasional treat. After a few weeks, try the next step by letting him come out of the cage in a chin-proof area. But let him lead how fast the bonding process goes. You'll have more success. Good luck.
thank you so much you guys =] i am very interested with the idea of having a chin =] and im very excited to have him as my little partner
If this little guy is only 2 months old he's barely old enough to be away from his momma. He shouldn't be having playtime in the bathroom or treats. Take your time to just talk to him, pet him while he's in his cage, let him climb on your hand, etc. Babies also nibble and bite. My girls bite some, they are still learning. They are over 3 months old (about 14 weeks). They however are use to me enough they will let me pet them most of the time and will climb on my hands and arms if they are in their cage. Neither of them is that happy about being picked up yet. I usually wait until they crawl into my hand and then scoop them up. Either that or I get them to climb into their carrier for cage cleaning. It takes time and patience.
mine did that too! bites harder and harder and pulls too
I told him sternly no and tapped the top of his head
he seemed to hop away happy like popcorning but eventually stopped when I didn't react in a pained expression + stern no >_<... which was really hard
You can actually give your baby apple sticks or chew toys as treats. Chins love and need to chew on sticks/chew toys to keep their teeth in check, and this might help with the bonding process.
Lillybabe is right. The little one should not be having playtime or treats until he is 6 months old. Kits are crazy and do not know when to stop so they wear themselves out. This can cause health problems and stunted growth. At his age, the only things he should be eating are quality pellets and a good hay. The advice about giving him time to get to know you, teaching him not to bite, and bond from within the cage is good.
Lillybabe is right. The little one should not be having playtime or treats until he is 6 months old. Kits are crazy and do not know when to stop so they wear themselves out. This can cause health problems and stunted growth. At his age, the only things he should be eating are quality pellets and a good hay. The advice about giving him time to get to know you, teaching him not to bite, and bond from within the cage is good.

He should be getting apple sticks and chew toys as well.
Yes I agree on the chew toys. There are also some supplements that I have been told are okay if not even recommended for young growing chinchillas. My girls have tons of wood in their cage to much on, wood with bark on hanging toys, wooden ledges, wooden house, loose sticks, loofah, etc. Some chins are happy to eat pellets or hay out of your hand as well which is almost like giving them a treat. It gives you a chance to bond with them. Timothy hay is recommended most often but some of the other hay blends, so long as they don't have fruit or veggies, are also fine for chinchillas of all ages. Sometimes mixing it up a bit can be good and you can even offer some of the tastier hays out of the palm of your hand like a treat. My girls love hay. Going to have to stock up on some more shortly.