chin kit with rectal prolapse

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Aug 4, 2010
Brighton, MA
One of my chin kits has rectal prolapse I think, i am not home right now, my roommate just informed me that she has a red lump coming out of her butt. I can't get home for an hour, and then I can take her to the vet an hour away. Will she make it??? I am so so sad this is happening i don't know what to do.
Biscuit is 22 days old and 98g. Her sister appears fine...shes 115g. They've both been gaining consistently until yesterday I noticed Biscuit hadn't gained any. I was going to start handfeeding today if she didn't gain again :(
There's no way to know for sure if she will make it. If the tissue that is showing is pink/red, then it's not dead, and there's a chance. The vet would have to put the intestine (if that's what it is) back in, and place a stitch to hold it in place. Then you will have to be very meticulous about her diet and making sure she eats and poops.

It can be done, starleomach just dealt with this not too long ago, but it's often a long and sometimes not great road.
Definitely take the kit to the vet. I hope you have better results than i had when my kits had prolapsed.
I have dealt with 3 prolapses...only 1 made it and even though it came out almost 2 inches we were able to keep it in without stitching. Until you get to the vet you will need to carefully and gently push the intestine back in. put them on a towel so it does not get dirty. as crazy as it sounds and we learned this from the WI vet that has done a few seminars a dab of honey will help bring the swelling down. If the swelling stays down and the intestines stay in without the stitch you are much better off
it was too late for her thanks tho guys. euthanized her :( rip little biscuit i'm so sorry you didn't make it.
I'm sorry for your loss :(.

I do want to touch a little bit of what Kristy said. If you don't have honey on hand, you can use sugar and a little bit of water. It will help as well. Honey is better simply because Honey has a lot of good properties to it, and can be used many different ways in general. In a pitch sugar will work as well.

Here's my thought... Has anyone tried Prep. H with a prolapse? When I had a chicken who prolapsed the honey (which I was already doing) was suggested, but Prep. H was suggested in combination with the honey. After I used the prep. H was when she really made a turn for the best. The uterus stayed in after only 3 attempts, and she recovered 100% to date. I'm wondering if that would work for the chins as well...
Thanks guys. Why does this happen? Is it just random or did I do something wrong? I never saw any diarrhea or anything, and mom was feeding her just fine. There was also pellets/hay at all times in the cage. Once I gave mom some rolled oats, but I don't think Biscuit ate any. Poor baby :( I'm just wondering if it's something I did because now I'm REALLY worried about the other kit.
It is unlikely it is something you did. These things just sadly happen sometimes. So much can go wrong internally with a kit while it is developing. Most breeders lose a few kits a year to various things that cannot be helped. I just lost a female this morning. She was a little dwarf girl that lived 3 weeks but was just not thriving. It happens