Chin introductions should I quit wile ahead?

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ok so yesterday i brought home a new fairly young chin from a breeder, after holding a few i finally found the one that was right for me. his name is Xavier. I brought him home and my other chin Bunky I guess smelled other chins on my shirt and flipped out and bit me. is this a sign he won't be able to get along with the new chin? or is it too early to tell? I've been hoping it would just be too early and I should just try to introduce them slowly after the quarantine period.

I'm just worried because Bunky has seemed so grumpy he seems to go to a corner and either sleep or just look pitiful so I don't know if he is angry, sad, sick, or what. when I take him out for some one on one he's back to his usual self though once I brought Xavier into the room to get him some hay and he started to make this incredibly pitiful and sad noise.

so I don't know what to think have I made a mistake here? is it a bad I dea to try and introduce them? I love both my babies and I don't want either to get hurt and I certainly don't enjoy getting bitten. he's never even niped me before so I was a bit shocked, but he is contently sitting in my lap now so it's very confusing.
Well, you should always quarantine the new chin. This means washing your hands and changing clothes after handling the new one and keep them in different rooms. It doesn't mean he wont get along with the new one, they will need to meet face to face once quarantine is over, and let them duke it out on their own. You shouldn't stop the introduction process unless one is getting too stressed or there is blood. Just wait a while and then try playtime together in a neutral territory. But please quarantine, you wouldn't want either to get sick, and you need the new one to get his gut back in order in his new home.
really? wow... I never would heave guessed it better to just let them figure it out. if something bad does happen when they are introduced how do I separate them? without getting myself hurt as well that is

thanks for the advice I'll definitely make sure I wash and change between the two until quarantine is up
You need to keep a towel or jacket on hand. If they start fighting, then toss it on them, they will stop. Sometimes curiosity and dominance will look like aggression. There will be fur slip, kacking, humping and chasing, but let them do it. Only split them up if you see blood of one is overly stressed. I just introduced my boys and it went well, and they are now living together. Also, during quarantine, you shouldn't take either chin into the room where the other is, even just to grab something. Rather be safe then sorry. :)
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As far as breaking-up a chin fight, It's not like dogs and they'll chew you up!
They usually stop the second a human yells or intervenes! Get a pair of leather gardening gloves if your "first bite" drew blood, which is rare! Might hurt for a while, but it goes away!
Ah ok thaks much

The bite didn't draw blood but it did scrape a thin layer of skin
But again it was my fault and i do know better now ive been keeping my clothes changed ir using a towel to keep xavier from getting on my shirt and washing before going to bunky's room and its definetely cured that part of the problem

Thanks again ill definetely ask more questions here when im ready to introduce them should be around august 31st
Just make sure you take the into steps one by one. You don't have to just throw them in together and see what comes of it. There are many different ways-side by side, cage in cage, squish, play time etc.

Some ways work and some don't-but there are many different types. So prepare yourself and make sure you give yourself and them time alike :thumbsup:
Hi, new here, but was a long time follower of Chins n Quils :)

We've had our very spoiled single male chin, Scooter, for 3 years. He's never been exposed to other chins. Our neighbor just gave us a rescue he was given 2 days ago. He's a male, appox 4-5 years old (we named him Gizmo). Scooter has always had the best demeanor. Gizmo is extremely calm and sweet. Now Scooter is aggressively trying to bite Gizmo every time we attempt to acclimate them to each other. There in seperate cages, and in the same room - but its a very big room.

We're actually getting more stressed watching Scooter's personality change practically overnight. Gizmo, to his credit seems very calm, but seems unaware of how to react to the aggression Scooter is showing him.

What worries me most is that Gizmo is a good 40% bigger in size than Scooter - he is BIG, lol. And if he does try to defend himself, he might hurt Scooter - although they're doesn't appear to be any signs of aggression on Gizmo's end.

Any help/advice would be extremely welcome and appreciated :)

Thanks very much in advance, Ritz.
yeah I had heard of other methods and i think i will try a combination of them in steps if that sounds like a good idea i dunno
To be honest I'd slow right down for now and worry about introductions further down the line - even beyond 31st if necessary - just to give yourself and your chins plenty of time to adjust. :)
Currently both chins are getting used to changes - for your new chinny, changes in environment and owner - that will take time and you need to build up a bond with him first. Get to know his personality and likes/dislikes etc - for example, does he like being held or tickled? What is his favourite treat? How does he like to sleep - curled up, stretched out? What are his poops like? Is he a "night owl" or a "morning chin"? Is he curious or reserved? Is he cheeky or a nibbler? All of these things which make Xavier, Xavier :thumbs:
There are so many facets to get to know with chins - part of quarantine is about getting to know your chinchilla and one of the benefits of one-on-one time will be in the future - knowing whether he is off-colour and becoming unwell. It is often the small changes in behaviour which alert us to problems - and without knowing a chin inside out it's harder to spot. It also makes introductions easier because you will be able to predict some things to prevent fights (just in case) - you will also know how far to let things go if they are being dominant and will also spot whether one of the chins is unhappy or being bullied/intimidated.
Knowing the characters and behaviours of both your chins will help no end with introductions.
On top of all that though it's just plain old fun getting to know a new chin. :)

:crossfingers: Good luck
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XD well I wasn't planing on tossing them together on the date I just like to prepare myself and gather as much information on a task before I need to try it they are stil separate but now in the same room. they can see eachother and i don't see any agressive behavior but now I hear both of them making this really pittiful 'crying' sound is that normal? i can't imagine what it would mean they're both still theirselves just making that strange noise from time to time

I've learned allot about Xavier's personality since i got him, he sleeps on his side and he kicks wile he sleeps XD it's cute, he pees on me though, it's JUST me. he doesn't do it to anyone else. I seem to be his favorite, he doesn't like cheerios the way buny does but he loves his oats and apple twigs he also seems to like the singers in my cricket bin ( I have some large crickets for my geckos that sing and can be heard all through the house some days lol) he's a very calm and sweet chin but he does dumb things like trying to jump on the door knob from the floor = | he's very different from Bunky in allot of ways but also very similar.

a week or so ago
I successfully introduced my chins! I let them have supervised play time together and moved the cages side by side.

for a wile they avoided each other and then a few times they chased and tried humping each other and then BAM they cuddle... so a short wile ago I put them in the same cage and suddenly they love each other... they share the hut, the hay and even the toys, Xavier will chew the twine ball all apart and then bring it to Bunky. XD they sleep cuddled next to each other or Bunky sprawls out in the hut and Xavier crashes in the hammock i never thought they would do SO well that quickly, I'm so glad they are getting along. I don't see anymore dominance issues or fighting. just them making cute noises at each other and sniffing and grooming XD thanks for all your help and great advice! i'm glad I waited a bit longer before trying. I was really afraid they would hate eachother

Xavier's personality seems to be more indipendently curious. he loves cuddles but he can amuse himself when I'm not around. both are morning chins, Xaver sleeps in a ball and Bunky on his side with his feet sticking out XD bunky is a sniffer and Xavier is a nibbler even on my fingers D= he likes to be held and snuggled but not so much tickled liek bunky does so far his favorite treat is a twine ball he didn't care much for the cheerios but he loves his oats and the twine ball however bunky is a cheerio junky XD he sticks his nose through the bars of his cage for them and if i let him he would eat a whole handful! both of them also like those dandelion treats though they don't get them often

their poos are about the same small and well formed and not squishy or hard, easy to sweep up off the hardwood floor after play time XD

one thing i have a problem with though is unlike Bunky, Xavier won't 'hold it' or wiggle to let me know he has to pee. he just goes on me Dx Bunky will wiggle so I can put him in his cage so he can pee but Xavier just goes. I don't know if it's something I can teach him to do or if Bunky's just weird like that bunkers pees in one corner and I put puppy pads under their bedding to keep it from getting yucky but Xavier pees anywhere and everywhere. he even managed to spray it when we first got him he doesn't spray it anymore since being in with Bunky but he still goes everywhere.
Congrats on your intro! Nothing beats looking at chins cuddling together ! =)