Chin Fur

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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New member
Sep 27, 2012
Hi Guys,

Brand new to this forum. Have a quick question that I am really curious about.

I adopted my 2 female chin from Kijiji a week and a half ago. They are progressing really fast as compare to when I first brought them home. They were so scared and would never move a bit when there's anyone around but now, they would come to the cage door to welcome me when they see me.

I let them have their sand bath regularly, my question is. I see fur sticking here and there on their coat. Not sure if that is normal or am I suppose to brush them with some sort of chinchilla brush. It's making them look like a bump chin or some
out of bed hair chin. Any tips fellow forum-er?

Are they little tufts that stick out? They're probably mats. You can actually just gently pull them out. You'll see when you get them out that the fur is all matted together.
Make sure you are using dust and not actual sand.

Tufts of fur might be little fur-slips (chinnies shed clumps of fur to escape predators or grabby owners). Maybe your girls play a little rough, and that leaves some fur-slips in their coats. Just a thought!
Yea, I'm using dust from petstore. unless they are selling sands. Lol.. I bought a brush but not sure if thats the right one cause Im afraid it might hurt them. I bought the little brush with lots of lots of pointy soft metal like things. Is it ok to brush them with it ?