Chin Escape Artist

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Well-known member
May 20, 2011
New Mexico
So brought home my newest (and last) of my fur babies the other night. Put her in her temporary quarantine cage and ran to walmart for a few minutes to get some fleece to put under her house, since she looked so sad in there all by herself. We come home 30 min or so later and I plant myself in front of the chin cage and start watching her be a silly little girl...jumping up and climbing out of the cage. :impatient: I was not amused.

We immediatly popped her back into her carrying case and I took a road trip, while my honey waited at home with the chinny. Luckily I had an old birdcage that I was able to throughly clean and put her in until she can get a little bit bigger.

I went and talked to the pet shop that I got her from (I can not resist the pet store chins and the owner really does listen when I tell her she is doing something wrong) and let her know. She is going to let the person who bought my chins brother know so they can get a baby safe cage.

Anyway, the lesson of the story is, just because it "looks" like their head can not fit through the bars does not mean that they can not escape. So my question is this, how old/big does a chin need to be before they can be in a nonbaby safe cage?