Chin boarding?

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Mar 13, 2009
Portland, OR
I moved out to Portland, OR last month for a change of pace, and my roommate turned out to be a total psychopath. I opted to break our lease rather than get evicted for her being crazy, so I have until June 11th to get my things out. This is the day before I leave on a two week trip to see family in California. Originally my roommate was going to watch them while I was gone but now since I know she's a nutter and we won't have the apartment anymore by the time I leave, I need to find a place that will take care of my four boys. Does anybody know of a place that would board chinchillas in the northern part of Oregon? Or are there any members that wouldn't mind fostering them for a couple of weeks (or possibly a little longer if I haven't found a new place to come home to?)

In a bind here :(