Carrots for chins?

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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2009
Hey everyone! I have a chin currently housed @ the petstore I work at, and I wanted to bring a little snack for the chinnie. This isn't against the rules, as all livestock caretakers (three, not including me) do this often to supply animals with fresh fruits and veggies. I just wanna know the safe size of carrot. At home, I have organic baby carrots, but should I cut them any more? I don't want to be giving a chin food he could choke on...
No fruits, no veggies for chins - at all. Good quality pellets, hay, and fresh water is all that he needs. If you want to give him a treat, take in some chin safe wood to chew or a bite sized, non-sugared shredded wheat.
NO, NO, NO Carrots!!! I sold a girl 2 xtra dk, ebony brothers last year, and some dummy at Petdumb told her carrots were O.K.!! The next day, she brought me back the one that survived, along with the $200 worth of stuff she bought at Petdumb, as she was totally heartbroken and felt she killed the kit with the carrots! I was surprised the other one lived, but I guess he didn't eat much. Stick with pellets, hay, and maybe the occasional shreddie - no fresh stuff of any kind!
I agree, no fresh veggies or fruit at all. Either a pinch of old fashioned oats (not the instant kind) a bite size shredded wheat, or a plain cheerio. And all of these, not many at a time. Don't over do it.