Can I cover the cage during the day?

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Well-known member
Jul 28, 2010
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Not new owner, but I didn't know where else to put this...

I'm always real busy moving around a lot during the day and sometimes the chins seem annoyed and startled. Moving them out of my bedroom isn't an option because I have a dog that will pester them. Is it safe to cover the cage during the day? I know they overheat quickly, so I'm not sure? Or maybe I could just cover the front door panels so not as much light get in and they have their peace? (I have a ferret nation 142) Is this safe? Do I need a certain material?
It's not harming them to be woken up periodically during the day. Covering the cage will restrict air flow and just make their cage that much hotter. I would leave them alone, it's not a horrible thing for them to be woken up.
It's pretty amazing how they adapt to the noise around them. They don't even wake up from the shopvac or lights turned on anymore. But they hate my neighbors music (heavy bass stuff) whenever its audible through the walls.
I have a screaming macaw all day long, sometimes soft, sometimes angry and loud. The chins never even stir.
If you're really concerned then you can always give them a wooden box type house so they can turn their back on you & your noise. ;)
I wouldn't worry about it.

My chins are in my office....which I'm in ALL Day...and the kids are in and out of. They never seem phased.....
Our chins are in our living room. They are used to hearing things all day long. Yours will get used to noise, too.
My cage is very tall, and is positioned right next to the window on the front of the house because I couldn't fit it anywhere else, I throw a very, very light weight sheet over the top of the cage is doesn't even go half way down, far from it. Just to give a little more darkness for the chin on the upper half.
I just put an old towel over the top of my FN. I think it is more a habit for me than it id for them. It started when they were in another room with windows and I didnt want the light(sun) shining on them. The towel goes about 4 inches on the back and other side, but not on front. I think they like it because it is kind of like a hidey house on the top top level.