Can chins hate someone?

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Well-known member
Mar 12, 2012
Philadelphia, PA Area
Does anyone have a problem with a chin hating someone?

Benny does not like my boyfriend at all.
Benny's cage is right next to my boyfriend's xbox corner. Benny will sit next to him and watch my boyfriend play nhl. (benny loves hockey) My boyfriend will talk to benny and it will be okay but once my boyfriend goes to pet benny. benny starts freaking out and biting him. it's gotten to the point my boyfriend cant even go into his cage to feed him because he keeps biting him. (not the grooming nibbling, but the i'm going to bite you til you bleed type of thing)

I honestly dont know what to do. They spend a lot of time next to eachother and talking. I just dont know if benny just needs more time getting to know him or he just will never like him.

any suggestions?
Yup some chins hate certain people. A member here has a chin that hates her husband. If he can't bite the husband he'll bite her!

I have a rescue here that hates me. She will spray me and try to bite me. Anyone else and she is fine with.
Could be. Could be something as simple as not liking the cologne or deodorant he wears or he yells too much playing his game, etc. Something about him or his actions.
I have one little rescue boy, who will never find a home, he makes the weirdest face and opens his mouth really big at anyone that isn't me. He freaks everyone out. Chins definitely have preferences for certain people, and unmitigated hatred for others.
Could he be jealous? My sister has a dog and we swear he thinks my mom is his mate. He acts... "excited" when in her lap but doesn't do it for anyone else. Maybe your chin sees you as his mate and hates your boyfriend for being male? I don't know if they can think like that...

Have you tried holding your chin and letting your boyfriend pet him while he's in your hands? Have you tried playtime with both of them? Maybe it's a territorial thing and he doesn't want him in his cage. Would be interesting to see if he only has issues with your boyfriend while he's inside of his cage.
My chin dislikes my brother more than anyone. Everytime he comes into the room to get something and cheche is out, she'll charge up to his feet and act like she's going to spray. He's never really sat down with her though and tried to bond, but it's weird because she's fine with everyone else.

Could be. Could be something as simple as not liking the cologne or deodorant he wears or he yells too much playing his game, etc. Something about him or his actions.

Exactly what I was thinking.
Oh yes! They can be little devils! I have a friend who had this one female who only liked her and her daughter. If anyone else happened to linger in front of her cage for too long, she'd spray with no warning! I fell victim to that once and learned LOL! Thankfully, all of my chins aren't like that.
I have one little rescue boy, who will never find a home, he makes the weirdest face and opens his mouth really big at anyone that isn't me. He freaks everyone out. Chins definitely have preferences for certain people, and unmitigated hatred for others.

This image just made my night.
Could he be jealous? My sister has a dog and we swear he thinks my mom is his mate. He acts... "excited" when in her lap but doesn't do it for anyone else. Maybe your chin sees you as his mate and hates your boyfriend for being male? I don't know if they can think like that...

Have you tried holding your chin and letting your boyfriend pet him while he's in your hands? Have you tried playtime with both of them? Maybe it's a territorial thing and he doesn't want him in his cage. Would be interesting to see if he only has issues with your boyfriend while he's inside of his cage.

He might be jealous cause this just started about a week or two ago. Playtime is a hit or miss. sometimes benny doesnt bother with him and sometimes benny will come up and bite him. It all depends on his mood.

He usually freaks out for the first five mins my boyfriend is near me he'll bounce around the cage. then for the rest of the night its the evil eye unless one of his favorite shows are on. lol
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I have one little rescue boy, who will never find a home, he makes the weirdest face and opens his mouth really big at anyone that isn't me. He freaks everyone out. Chins definitely have preferences for certain people, and unmitigated hatred for others.

That is too funny. :rofl:
Dante hated his owner, so much so 4 years after she gave him to me she visited, picked him up and he bit her and drew blood-she cried because he still remembered her and still hated her.
Boji's my little bipolar chin. He's a man-hater 100% of the time, but only bites women when I'm away. If I'm dating the guy in question, he makes it VERY clear that I belong to him. No amount of talk, treats or consistent interaction will change his possessive little mind. It's less stressful for all parties if I just warn the guys to stay away.
My boyfriend is the only guy i ever had around benny. so i don;t know if he just doesnt like guys period or just not my boyfriend. I know when i got benny, she said that benny isnt good with other male chins. so maybe he just doesnt like other males.

My boyfriend wants to get another chin in hopes that he will like him. i want another chin too. (they are addicting) But Benny might probably wont get along so it's another cage and two of everything. I'm still debating on getting another one it's a big commitment. and what if he doesnt like my boyfriend too.. I just dont know.
have your boyfriend pick out the chin and he brings the chin home. The boyfriend should be the one to care for the new chin and 'socialize' the chin. Then the chin would like the boyfriend. Of course, there is a slight chance that the new chin won't like you - HA
If he doesn't get along well with other chins... get a female. Keep them apart forever. Then your boyfriend can have a chin that's in love with him too! :rofl:

And yes... chinchillas are very addicting. I find myself wanting every chin I see posted! My family already teases me and says I am going to grow old surrounded by chinchillas.
My boys definitely hate people, especially 2 of my nieces. They don't mind most other kids, just these 2. They are also weird about who does things for them. Like if my boyfriend cleans their cage during play time they will refuse to go back home until we catch them and put them back in. If I clean the cage they go happily hopping back in as soon as I say "time to go home". If I fill the water bottle they won't touch it, but if my boyfriend does they fight over who gets to drink first.

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