Cage shelves and ramps?

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Active member
May 3, 2010
I had ordered a chinchilla cage online recently - it came today and I realized it didn't come with the levels or ramps it had promised to. -_- Anyway, I was wondering if it was possible to simply add your own wooden shelves / ramps to your cages, if it is possible, any tips would be awesome.
Here is the link to a thread about how to make ledges/shelves. It's super easy and I've used this method for all my ledges.

Chins don't need the ramps. However, some do like them. I know mine enjoy them so I have 2 in there right now that they like to sit on. Otherwise they aren't completely neccessary.

Happy cage decorating!
Most people order a plain cage and put pine shelving in. If the cage already comes with metal shelves then they take those out and replace them with chin safe wood. Also, those metal ramps are dangerous for chins b/c they can get their legs caught in them. They don't need ramps anyway b/c they hop not climb. I do have one ramp in one of my cages but it is a wooden one, not a wire one with spaces.

There's a few long threads in the Housing & Supplies section that have a tonne of pics for ideas.
Just consider it a blessing that you don't have any wire shelves to take out and then throw away! LOL!! Starting with an empty cage is actually easier, you are skipping a step.

I agree. It is always easier not having to take them out. Follow that link, you cant go wrong with shelves and ledges.