cage cleaning?

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Well-known member
Jul 13, 2009
What is the best thing to clean his cage with? I use hot water/baking soda. Should I use a soap? or vinegar? What do you all use?
water and vinegar works great. and if you have some stains, just use alittle elbow grease and they will come out.

Once a month I wash everything with mild soap (such as Dawn dish soap), then rinse with a 1:10 bleach water solution to be sure its disinfected. Make sure its completely dry before I put any chins back into the cage.

Once a week I just wipe everything down with steaming hot water, change the bedding or fleece liner, and clean out food/water containers.
No, not at all. Peroxide is cheap. I just wet a rag with it and wipe down the shelves, then, let it dry. I do this once a week. If I need to do a deep cleaning, I use hot water and bleach, rinse well, and let it air dry.
I use the 3% peroxide on the stained wooden shelves and it works wonders. I also wipe down the metal Saucer and Chin Spin too; it's very inexpensive to buy and lasts a long time.

I just noticed that you're from BC, I am too. I'm in Campbell River on the Island, where abouts in BC are you?
I never even thought of peroxide!!!! (This is why I LOVE this forum haha)

It's safe for the chins? Do you dilute it or use it straight from the bottle?

Currently I keep a spray bottle full of a vinegar/water mix by the cage to do wipe downs when the mood strikes me :)
I don't dilute the 3% solution, I spray it on the stains, let it sit for a few minutes and then mop up with a damp cloth. There are stronger strengths to peroxide that I don't really know anything about but I think I'd tend to dilute those. My chins are never in their cage when I'm cleaning them b/c the cages are huge and the front doors open wide for cleaning and they're out like a shot when those doors open.
I use the 3% peroxide on the stained wooden shelves and it works wonders. I also wipe down the metal Saucer and Chin Spin too; it's very inexpensive to buy and lasts a long time.

I just noticed that you're from BC, I am too. I'm in Campbell River on the Island, where abouts in BC are you?
That sounds like a good idea! I was scrubbing stained wood like mad yesterday and could not get them out! I am in Salmon Arm. Nice to meet you!
I use the 3%, too. It's what you can get at any store that sell first aide supplies. And, no, peroxide is does not harm the chins. It leaves no residue because it breaks down into water. Just make sure that you allow it to dry before putting the chins back in or you could end up with some bleach blond chins.:laughitup:
I have a spray bottle of hydrogen peroxide and a spray bottle of vinegar. Spray one, then the other (doesn't matter which order), let sit for a few minutes and wipe or rinse off. It's the best cleaning combination I've found and it really is inexpensive.
I use the 3%, too. It's what you can get at any store that sell first aide supplies. And, no, peroxide is does not harm the chins. It leaves no residue because it breaks down into water. Just make sure that you allow it to dry before putting the chins back in or you could end up with some bleach blond chins.:laughitup:
bleach blond chins! LMAO!!!!:rofl: