Cage chewing and losing fur

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Well-known member
Sep 13, 2011
New Jersey
My one chin has been chewing on his FN cage every night since we've changed cages about 3 weeks ago. A couple days ago we noticed that there was a small patch of fur missing on his face. He has a "rat" face so when he chews on the bars more of his face fits through the bars. I've been assuming that the missing fur is from the constant chewing and rubbing but I'm starting to worry that it could be something else. Just looking for some advice on how to access this situation.
Nah, probably just from chewing. This might be a good time to make sure he has lots of chew toys! Maybe find a way to clip them to the side of the cage where he chews the most, to distract him.
Does it look like fungus? Is it red, scaly? One of my girls chews on the top bars right outside her tube. I put a piece of thin poplar on the roof and she chews that in-between the bars. She has made a pretty cool pattern!
If it is not red or irritated, then I would not worry about it. If is probably from the cage bars. the idea of putting something there for the chin to chew on is a good one.
The skin looks normal and healthy. He chews on every part of the cage but I'm going to try add something to prevent it
Poor rat face. =( He probably did rub it off. Distractions are good. =)