Buried my Mom today :(

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Feb 1, 2009
Timmins, Ontario, CANADA
Although she died a while ago, today was the day we buried her ashes.
Her headstone was beside my Dad's and it made it all seem so final that I no longer have parents.
To all of you on here, please hug and kiss your Mom and Dad regularly and tell them you love them...if you have differences, try to make up....life is too short, and I would give anything for one more minute with my Mom and Dad.
I'm so sorry.

I agree...I lost my mom 4 years ago. For serveral years we had strained relations until she was diagnosed with cancer. For 3 years I made sure I made things right before she died. Life is too short.
Thank you! Brenda I am sorry about your Mom too, but so glad you made things right, it gives you peace of mind.
I miss her so much it hurts.....
So sorry for your loss...regardless of how recent it was...I lost my father last year out of the blue. My son was not yet 1 and I was pregnant with my daughter. I think the thing that still hurts the most are those days when I look at my children and think..."man dad would've loved that" or "wow she really has her pappy's eyes" I can't think about it without tearing up...stilll...he never met my daughter and my son will not remember him...it hurts. Take care and life IS too short...I've tried to really keep my mother and stepfather involved with my children since :(
Many hugs going your way. Remember the good times. <3