Bryan/College Station, TX vet??

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Dec 31, 2010
Hi, I really need a good chinchilla vet in or as close as possible to bryan/college station. Please help me :C
Also, my chinchilla seems to be ( I got him today) sneezing, or at least making some huff noise? I'm not familiar with ANY chin noises so I'm not sure, there is no mucus or anything though, or no eye fluids of any sort.

he also has a spot of fur on his tummy that feels like dry fur(like it was wet but dried?), what do i do about this??
for chin vets in bcs, i would highly recommend going to A&M's small animal hospital. if youre a student, the vet visit costs $40 (which is typical for most vet vists anywhere else). if not a student...i think its about $50 or $60.

i took gizmo to A&M's vet and was more than happy. it's a bit scary taking a chin to a teaching hospital, but the students are always accompanied by exotic specialists and a lot of vets in Texas get their degree there.

as for the sneezing, are you sure he's not barking? does it sound like a dog's squeaky toy? or an actual sneeze? if so, have you given a dust bath? if so, what dust do you use? when i first got gizmo, i gave him a bath in some Vanilla Pet Scentsations dust bath and it made him sneeze. any scented bath will cause irritation. thats all i can think about with that. or it could be an upper respiratory infection, which is why you should go to the vet to be sure.

im not too sure what to say about the spot on his tummy. he could've just gotten wet when you brought him home if peed in his carrier. in that case, rub with a damp cloth and dry, then just dust bath.
Okay thanks C: no i'm not sure, which is the problem, he's snoozing now but i was thinking of recording him 'sneeze' it sounds like, hm, like someone making a 't' sound. i gave him a dust bath and i use blue cloud. so i should use a damp cloth and dry?... i thought i wasn't supposed to have him wet D:
if the spot is actually wet and its urine, a damp cloth can be used. it should be more dry than wet. then again, i've never had to use a damp cloth on Giz before, but there is a user on the site who has a chin that pees on her fur often and she gets "baths" in that spot. if its just a dry clump, then the dust bath should get it.

and the "t" sound, im almost sure thats a sneeze. URI's are serious and can be a quick road downhill. get to the vet as soon as possible. its down University, past welborn on the right. i know there are other vets, and i know you mentioned that your friend's dad is a vet. but if youre starting fresh, might as well start with a vet who is knowledgeable in chinchillas.
wow you may also want to contact the pets store you got him at even though they should pay they won't likely as they have a very very bad reputation If he has a URI he will need a vet tonight
thank you, but i can't go to a vet tonight, i'll go tomorrow after school. :c he really seems okay though, is it possible he's just making a noise?.. and i've noticed it's alwways 2 or 3 't's at a time.
i honestly think you need to go NOW. if its a sneeze, it could point to a URI. you say your chin is asleep right now, that could also be lethargy. better to be safe than sorry.

you chose a pet that is fragile if health conditions go uncared for. the small animal hospital has after-office hours. its worth it...
no, i CAN'T go now, i can't drive yet and my parents won't take me, he seems perfectly fine for at least a night, i've looked up all the other symptoms for URI and all he has is a possible sneeze! he isn't lethargic he was bounding around earlier, he's tired because he's been in a car all day! he was climbing his cage, exploring it, eating, everything.
That's really a poor attitude to people who have a lot more experience than you and are trying to help you. Everyone told you not to get a pet store chin, but you were sure that you needed one from there. It's not even been a day and he's already "sick"...
Why would a chin be tired from being in a car all day? Was he driving? Running the GPS?
People were trying to find out if it was a sneeze or a bark, and you were pretty sure it's a sneeze, now it's a possible sneeze. You were given a site with chin sounds, either it sounds like that, or it sounds like a tiny sneeze. If you want to be rude to people the nice people will go away and you'll be left with people like me who don't sugar coat anything .

As far as going to a vet at anytime, that is a part of pet ownership. If his leg was broken could you go now? If the bone was sticking out and there was blood all over could you go? A late phase URI can actually be more deadly than a recently broken bone.
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i live in the same city as you, if my car wasn't wrecked right now, IIII would go take your chin to the vet. i dont know you, but i love these animals and want each of them to get the care they deserve. if its a baby, a URI could kill it by tomorrow. these aren't gerbils. if your parents allowed you to buy an expensive pet, then i would assume they'd be ok with making sure that pet lives. if its a sneeze, and its been happening often, it IS a bad sign. their colds dont progress slowly like ours do- its rapid and its deadly. goodness, my Gizmo is 2 years old. if i heard multiple sneezes over a period of time, i would rush him to a vet. i've left work/class for him. youre very fortunate to know there there IS an exotic vet in this small city, especially one that stays open late.

this is the website:
I called. theyre open 24 hours. if youre not going to go this second, can you monitor your pet every few hours throughout the night and take him in if he gets worse? a compromise....
I posted this in your other thread - the sneezing happens at the beginning of the video.

I'm going to post this video that was taken in early February of last year, here and at the other thread the OP started in the veterinarian's section...

This was my CJ at his worst healthwise, when he was diagnosed with malo and after a long filing and trimming of his incisors he developed a URI. There was no discharge coming out of his nose but his ears turned bright red as you can see. The fur around his eyes are matted from the malo and URI.

The sneezing happens in the first few seconds...

i was just thinking about this thread as welll....

please let us know how everything is going. if you need anything, i am available (except when i work...obviously...)