Bring home under 6 months?

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Well-known member
Aug 7, 2014
Lawrenceville, Illinois
okay, so I am getting my first Chin I will be bringing her home Friday most likely, all I know is she is under 6 months of age. I believe she will be around 8-12 weeks old. I have a FN 182 for her cage.

1)Is it okay to give her access to the 2nd level?
2)How many ledges should I have and how far apart should they be?
3)Any information that you think I would need bringing home a young chin would be appreciated.
How old is the chin 8 weeks or 12 weeks?

If the chin is 8 weeks you may need to cover the cage with a wire mesh to make it baby proof. If the chin is 3 months then you can probably skip this.

I would isolate the chin to one level until 6 months of age.

No wheel or any treats, besides sticks/wood, until 6 months.

The ledges should be close enough where they don't really have to jump. All of my stuff is 6 inches or so and closer to the next closest object. You basically don't want them falling too far. Although I just recently picked up a 2 month old and 3.5 month old and I have them isolated to the top half of the cage, they do go up to the highest shelf and occasionally jump down to the floor from there.

Just for an example, I have 2 small ledges, one 12 inch, one 12x12, and one L shaped ledge. But I also have 2 hammocks a cube house and tube hanging as well.
I am not sure of her exact age at this moment. All I was told is she is somewhere in the 2-3 months range. I will find that out friday. I will make sure to put in plenty of ledges of for her.