Bonding Set-Back

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Chinchilla Enthusiasts!
Jan 12, 2013
Flagstaff, AZ
So we are having a great time with our chins. They are warming up to us well, especially James, which we expected because he was hand-fed. Even when I sort of had to pounce on James yesterday because he bit a string (somehow) off my blanket and get it out of his mouth, he is still so happy-go-lucky, loving, and affectionate.

Scotty was like that... he was really warming up to us. He would approach the cage door when we would walk in the room, he would climb up my arm on to my shoulder, let me hold him, let me kiss him, and perch on me a lot. One day, I was holding him and decided to pet his head. He really hated it and began struggling. I don't put the boys back if they are being butts because I don't want to reinforce bad behaviour. So I waited until he calmed down and put him back in the cage. He immediately shook his whole body like he was trying to get my smell/oil off of him like a dog does with water.

This was a week ago. He no longer approaches the cage door, he will not climb on me or Ian at all, he will not get on the shoulder, let me kiss him, and often hides or runs when we open the cage door and he shakes off every time we touch him. He used to run to the cage door when we would open it for bonding time, now we have to actually pick him up to pull him out of the cage for bonding time. He will let me hand feed him pellets, but if I adjust my body, he runs.

I don't know if it was the petting the head thing, but I can't think of anything else that changed between us. James has officially asserted himself as the dominant chin... could that have something to do with Scotty's new-found shyness? Will he just need more time?? Should I be doing something different? I know we have only had a little over two months together, but it is so discouraging to go from a nice bond forming to something completely new... even when we first got him, he would come up to my hand and jump on my arm.

I know every chin is different, I was just hoping to get some insight. Thank you so much in advance!
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They're young and probably a little hormonal at this point. It isn't you, you haven't done anything wrong. They're just in their teenager stage right now...being bad and not wanting to behave. There's a very good chance that they will outgrow acting this way in a few months.

And, yes, a chin can become very shy if another chin becomes dominant in the cage. It can cause personality changes almost overnight. Again, as they get older Scotty could grow out of acting so shy.

If you can take Scotty out of the cage without too much chasing or drama, just take him out and hold him as much as you can. For chins like him I use a fleece pouch to carry them around and to handle them more.

Oh, and chins HATE human breath and sometimes hate having human cooties imparted to their heads or faces. It's not you, it's all humans. I have chins that are super lovable and if I kiss them on their noses, they act like they MUST remove the human germs. It's a chin thing....
Some of my chins hate to be touched or petted on certain parts of there body. Chico hates being touched on the back half of his body. I believe its because he associates that with being picked up, which is dreads. And Houdini hates being touched anywhere on his head. They seem to have there preferences when they grow up.
My males seem to get hormonal at about age 5 to 6 months when puberty starts and can be grouchy. Also they seem to feel much more comfortable with being petted or scratched "underneath" not "over the top". Scoop them up underneath, scratch under the chin or on their chest. Mine will crouch or run away if I try to pet them on top of their head/body. It could have something to do with them being a "prey" animal not wanting something to swoop down on top of them?
I agree with all of the advice posted so far. I would just like to add something. Have you used a new perfume, shampoo, soap or lotion? I have had sweet chins totally flip out on me because I used a lotion they were not used to smelling. I actually got bit because of it and the chin who bit is, ordinarily, an absolute love bug.
I was thinking that my lotion was the problem, but Ian doesn't wear it. I've been going in every once in a while to hold him. Hopefully that'll re-warm him up to me. I know he's happy. He and James popcorn around the room when we have ten minutes of out of cage time.
I noticed an interesting thing with mine that may be something to consider. I mowed my lawn and forgot to wash my hands before going into my chin room. I went to play with one of my little guys who is extremely shy and for the first time he was all over my hands. I think it was because they smelled so strongly of fresh cut grass and dirt. Later I tried playing with him again after having been cleaned up for a while and he was back to not having it.
Yeah, I don't know what's up. I think he is just hormonal. I weighed Scotty last night and he was up to 509g! That's up 20g from last week. So I know he hasn't been sick or anything. I have also noticed James humping him outside the cage a lot... so I think he got put in his place and now is just a little unsure of himself. I am confident we will work through it together though! :)
You may have answered your own question. I have seen many young chins' behavior change when they got put in their place. With time and lots of love, he, most likely, will return to his old self.
Could someone pls tell me what scale you are using i have to buy one but have no idea what to get..thank you
Yes, I bought my gram scale online. It's important to get one that goes up to 1000g :) I place a bowl on top of mine and put the chin in the bowl after taring the bowl's weight. They are used to it now!
I have one that I bought at Walmart years and years ago. It has a nice flat measuring bowl on it, it's awesome. I don't know if they have the same one for sale anymore or a version of it. It measures in grams and ounces, I just have to press a button to switch.

I just looked on Walmart's website...they have dozens of scales. Bed, Bath and Beyond probably has a ton to see online, as well.

And coincidentally I just had a baby born a few minutes ago that I need to weigh! :D I use a smaller scale for the babies that seems to have better resolution for kits than the larger one. I think someone gave that one to me a decade or more ago!