Bella saying hello to me today at playtime.

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Well-known member
Jul 8, 2011
Immediately followed by her biting me. She has favored my fiance over me since LAST YEAR when she was sick and I had to force feed her every couple hours. Do any of your chins bite you? She doesn't draw blood but she makes it known that she prefers him. Eventually she has to forgive me right? Because she never bit me before that!


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Do you put her down or react when she bites you? Getting a reaction from you will often teach her to bite. When we get in a biter at the rescue, we put on the gloves and handle them with the gloves... eventually, they realize, "hey, I bite.... it has no effect" and eventually, they stop biting. Might be worth a shot for you?
We had a girl that hated me, until I was home more than my bf. She eventually came around to me and stopped biting. It took about 2 years, and me being home for most of the day. She still preferred my bf though, and wouldn't take a treat from me at all. She was a beige as well :)
Immediately followed by her biting me. She has favored my fiance over me since LAST YEAR when she was sick and I had to force feed her every couple hours.

I have a chin who is similar, but she doesn't bite. She likes to act like she will and sometimes will try to spray me, but it comes out as a little dribble. I think she's just acting. Unfortunately she started doing this after I had to keep cleaning out her eyes and putting medicine in them for about a month. Its been a while, and she's got a good memory. Once you have her out of the cage, she's a lap dog and as sweet as can be.
I do react a bit, but only because it hurts, she has sharp little teeth! She never bites me when I am cleaning out her cage or anything like that, it's always when she is out of her cage. I will have to learn how to not react to her when she does that I guess.
Chinchillas will nibble with affection.

But if it is a true bite, I make it a point not to react, but to simply tell my chin, NO, no biting in a firm voice. My female used to bite me when I first got her, but she stopped pretty quickly when I made it known to her that it wasn't ok.
So does verbally telling them no in a firm voice work for most of you? That seems almost too easy, lol.
When I got my second chinchilla, Sonic, he bit me so hard the first time I picked him up and I bled all over the place. He had not been socialized by his previous owner and HATED being handled. He bit me hard enough to bleed every time on several occasions in those first weeks. If I tried to pet him through the bars, he would try to bite me then too. I've had him 8 months now and now he is much sweeter.

My best advice to you is get some super thick leather gloves from the hardware store for when you need to handle her. When I did this with Sonic, he would of course try to bite through the gloves and I would feel a pinch, but it didn't hurt too bad. Upon picking him up, when he would try to bite I would also blow on his face or top of his head and say "No bite". I would repeat this until he calmed down and quit trying to bite and squirm. Once he behaved, I would let him down to play.

I also have a small kennel carrier that I use occasionally to take him out for playtime if he seems grouchy. I open his cage door and hold the kennel up to it and say "Sonic, inside" and he will hop in because he knows its playtime. You could also do this with a dust bath house.

At this point, he does not mind being handled by me for short periods of time. He also likes his belly scratched through the bars when he is in his cage. It will take you alot of time and patience, but I'm sure that your chinny will come around and learn to trust you and love you! Safe treats are always helpful too. Hope my experience helps you! Good luck! :thumbsup:
Chi chi doesn't like my daughter. He will chase and bite her feet if she is in the chin run room. He acts like he is gonna bite me but it's just cause he is a crabby chin.

When we first got Cindy she would bite me for a reaction. The first couple times i jumped and released her. Now she will lay back and get a belly rub from me. :D

I to have always told my chins no when the bite. After a while they get it.

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