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Jun 2, 2010
Evansville, IN
Hi, I got my first chin about 3 weeks ago and she has really started to warm up to me. The previous owner thinks the chin is pregnant and should be due some time in late June or July.
Recently, her behavior has changed just a little. I realized if you put your arm by her she just climbs over it, when she used to jump over everything! She still jumps but when it comes to something she can also climb over she decides to do that instead...
Also, tonight she was very stubborn and was trying and trying again to get under my chinchilla-proofed dresser. She kept going back to it and trying to get under it to the point where I got frustrated and had to go sit over there.
The last thing is sleeping. Lately when she's out of her cage after probably 15 minutes of being out, she'll go to a part of the room, plop down, and sleep. That's new to me because she used to never sleep when she was out for play time. Also, when she sleeps in her cage she lays somewhat on her side sometimes. And about half of the time she sleeps really flattened out, where she used to sleep somewhat sitting up.

My question is are any of these behaviors symptoms of being pregnant??
To me they seem pretty normal... but is there anything not normal about them?

She could be pregnant. I would start preparing for babies and not handle her much. Have you read the breeding FAQs? Do you have a kit safe cage? The wire spacing should be no larger than 1/2 inch by 1 inch.