Baytril Question

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New member
Feb 2, 2009
So my standard grey female had one of her teeth ground down on Wednesday. The vet (who is a very good vet) prescribed baytril and metacam. She absolutely hates the baytril. Now i know in the past my other chinchilla stopped eating while on baytril. She has lost some weight previously due to her tooth hurting and I don't really want to force give it to her if she's not gonna eat at all. She didn't have any open sores or ulcers. Should i go back and ask for TMS or do people think that she's probably fine not having antibiotics for just a ground tooth.
I wouldn't think she would need any antibiotics at all for a tooth grinding. If anything, SMZ would be the most I would give. Baytril is the "big guns" and with all it's side effects, I would not give it unless there was an actual infection present.
Thanks Stackie! That was my gut feeling as well. The metacam she happily will take soaked on a cheerio so she will be very happy that I don't have to wrestle and squirt the baytril in her mouth.
The only time you use baytril on a dental chin is if there is a active infection in the mouth, its the best drug for dental infections, if the vet wants to pre-med a chin then a sulfa drug is used. True malo chins (ones that are not in just for a couple of points but have alot going on in the mouth with crooked and tipped teeth ) should be premedicated because when the teeth are filed the teeth are cleaned and often pus is found along with old food and the such.
True malo chins (ones that are not in just for a couple of points but have alot going on in the mouth with crooked and tipped teeth ) should be premedicated because when the teeth are filed the teeth are cleaned and often pus is found along with old food and the such.

I did not know this. Thank you. What term have you done in the past. So far I have been lucky with Richie not needing vet care for some time, but I like to be prepared.
With my 4 "true malo chins" these were the chins with missing teeth so the ones adjacent would tip towards each other causing pockets that would develop periodontal disease and caries, the teeth would rot and die and become loose and the dentist would pluck them out, and there was elongation and tipping towards the cheek and tongue causing soft tissue damage-those chins were premedicated with Tri-meth-sulfate 2 days prior to the filing and 7 days after if no active infection was found. If active pus was found then they were switched to baytri. Lots of bacteria get "kicked up" in the mouth during cleaning pockets in a malo chins mouth.