Badly sprained ankle?

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2011
I sprained my ankle pretty bad on March 5th. Emergency room and everything! I'm wondering if it might be something more at this point. After a month it still hurts pretty bad when I step on it, almost like I'm pulling a muscle every time I take a step. It's hard to walk normally, I use my crutches still or limp. I can't be on it more than a couple of hours a day or my foot starts throbbing. I'm trying to get an appointment with a foot doctor, but have no insurance, so it may be hard. I was wondering if anyone has experienced this or something like it with their foot?
I know that in May of last year I missed the curb on my way to work and my ankle went side ways. I had to limp the 15 minute walk to work, and did a 4 hour shift and was moving that weekend. I didn't have an ace bandage so it went uncared for for a long time, took months for it to not cause a twinge of pain or sprain easily. Now it is still slightly weak and I hurt it every once in a while. Not the same as you, but similar.

Did the emergency room take xrays? I'm thinking you might've broken something, or pulled something. Were you able to see the foot doctor?
The emergency room took xrays and it didn't show anything. My sister in law is a nurse and said sometimes hairline fractures don't show up right away. I'm hoping to get a referral Tuesday when I see my primary care doctor. If I can't get one I'll go back to the emergency room. No insurance sucks :p
I've broken, sprained, and torn ligaments in my ankles. Honestly the break healed faster and cleaner than the sprains and tearing. Give it time. Get a second opinion. Hopefully, new X-rays will show the true nature of your injury.
I dislocated my ankle and it took about 9 months to really heal (meaning no pain at all). I did have a second x-ray done around the 6 month mark and it showed that I had "bone scars" which mean that I had also gotten a hairline fracture which healed on its own.

Keep it wrapped in an ace bandage and ice it. I think I wore the ace bandage for the full 9 months if I'm remembering correctly (its been a good 15 years now).