Apparently I interact without interacting

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Spirit Chaser

Active member
Feb 9, 2012
My chinchillas are in my bedroom. I had to get up early today to take care of a stupid issue with the post office. Then run to the next town over to buy dog food. I usually sleep in the morning and early afternoon, and am awake at night, and I don't change my schedule for much. I never imagined that breaking my routine would upset my cage critters, but when I got home it was the cutest thing ever. I wasn't even gone two hours.

First I was greeted by the most social of my three guinea pigs, naturally didn't think much of it. Avior is insanely friendly and would live outside of the cage if he could. Said hi to him and watched him popcorn around the cage for a bit then noticed that a lot of noise was coming from the chinchilla cage. And sure enough, not only were they awake when they are usually asleep, but they were super hyper, and both wanted attention. They wanted scrichies, and I even got kisses from my mostly antisocial Domovoi. He grabbed my finger and groomed it, danced for me, honestly I have no idea why they were so excited.

I went back to bed for a bit, and the two leapt around and played for almost two hours, stopping to gaze at me every now and then still in a time slot they usually are quite and sleeping in. It was quite possibly the funniest thing they've done in a while. Apparently I'm not supposed to leave the room early. And even though I'm not interacting with them, my just being in the room apparently makes them happy.
Oh I know! I'm a terrible person! Nice of them to be so forgiving of my having left though. I've always wondered why they stop and stare at me every little while when they're playing, maybe it's just to make sure I'm still where I belong