Anything besides water?

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Jan 13, 2012
Huntsville, Alabama, USA
I know this may be a very very unintelligent question, but I have to ask.
My poor Molly has a large open sore on her leg, and the vet has given me liquid antibiotics. She says the best way to give Molly her medicine is by mixing it with something that has a taste.
Is there ANYTHING I can give Molly to drink besides water? And if not, what would be the best way to approach giving her the syringe of medicine?
What is the antibiotic the vet gave you? Most oral antibiotics that are given orally are already mixed with a sweetener at the pharmacy or vet before given to you. Baytril is not recommended to be given oral and would not need to be compounded with a sweetener.
Keep her on the Baytril and complete the course of treatment to prevent any issues with drug resistant bacteria in that leg. 7 to 10 days is usually recommended.

I just squirt to baytril behind the back molars to get the chin to swallow it. It can cause digestive upset and possibly negatively impact appetite, but with a huge gaping sore the chin needs something that will help. I'd apply warm epsom salt compresses twice a day to kill bacteria and to also help aid in getting the swelling down on the wound to get the tissues to start healing.

With the Baytril is it sweetened or not? I just get the plain Baytril here and don't bother with having it put in a sweet base, but I'm pretty good at sniping meds into chins' mouths. You may need to burrito the chinnie and get the medication in her mouth while she is immobilized.
It's just the plain bitter Baytril according to the vet. And thanks, that helps a lot.
What do I do about her dust baths? Is it still okay to give them to her with an open wond, or should I hold off until it's healed?
Most of us will not use baytril orally since it destroys the appetite well after the stopping of treatment.
I don't have any advice but I did want to say that I hope Molly heals up fast and wish you good luck. Poor lil Molly :(
You could mix it with canned pumpkin (not pumpkin pie filling) or even watery critical care. Both would help keep the GI a little happier, but as long as the chin is eating/drinking fine I wouldn't worry too much. You can also give probiotics halfway between antibiotic treatments.
Probiotics definitely help to combat the appetite loss. Last year, Nixi stopped eating after being on the oral Baytril for about 2 days. I ordered some Lifeline from Dawnna and she started eating on her own again within 24 hours.
Molly's appetite has not changed at all - she still eats and poops her normal amount, even after the couple of doses of her antibiotics. Also, where would I get canned pumpkin? The girlfriend and I are not at all experienced and holding Molly down and we definitely don't enjoy it, so I'm hoping to find an easier (and still healthy) way of doing this.
I believe Molly is about a year old, maybe a little younger. We got her from a chain pet store before we were told that wasn't the way to go.
Thank you guys so much for the help!
Just to add some info here.

Baytril is extremely basic. Injecting it under the skin can be painful and cause pain to the chin and damage to the tissues - because it is so basic it reacts with the fat under the skin and burn. Burns caused by basic substances can be very severe and painful.

It should be given into a muscle, I prefer the large muscle in a back leg. However, you need to know where and how to give this injection to prevent causing any injury to the chinchilla.

Giving the chin the medication orally may not be the best option for appetite and the digestive system, but it is much easier for a vet to instruct a chin owner to give it this way. It will work just as well as injecting it. A healthy chin that has just has a wound but is still eating should be able to withstand one course of treatment with Baytril as a preventative to keep the wound from becoming infected. There may be some impact on appetite, but that usually resolves itself soon enough. Chin owners need to watch the appetite and energy level of any chinchilla on any medication.

In the future it may be better to request a different antibiotic like Chlorpalm. It is very effective with wounds and abscesses and has a little less of the digestive upset. Most of the more broad spectrum antibiotics can have side effects.

I'm glad that Molly is still eating. I hope that she heals up really soon. You can get unsweetened canned pumpkin at most any grocery. But, if she's still eating on her own, let her eat and just give her some probiotic on her food or in a syringe with Critical Care to help counteract the baytril a bit.